Friday 10 October 2008

Say it with a sting.....
Citizen Alert ZA
Without fear or favour.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Malema lashes out at Lekota
The African National Congress Youth League is not concerned by the possible formation of a "right-wing" political party by disgruntled ANC members, its president Julius Malema said on Thursday.
"The possible formation of the political party by Ntate Lekota and Mluleki George, who think they are anointed born leaders will represent nothing but narrow right-wing opportunism of people who want to express bitterness, self-enrichment and disrespect of organisation principles," he said.
Malema was addressing a media briefing in Woodmead, Johannesburg, a day after former defence minister Mosiuoa Lekota mentioned the possibility of forming a new political party which might contest the 2009 general election.
Lekota said on Wednesday he planned to put together a “congress” within a few weeks where the name and policies of the new party would be decided upon.
Lekota refused to say whether any other prominent names have aligned themselves with his new formation, stating “we don’t need prominent people, we need people and the population of the country”.
The new formation will be formalised once people in all provinces have been consulted, he said.
Former Gauteng premier Mbhazima Shilowa, who resigned in protest to the way former president Thabo Mbeki was ousted, is rumoured to have been approached by the organisers of the party, but he has denied involvement.
This party would contest the elections in 2009 and hopes to draw votes from the ANC, which could threaten the ruling party’s two-thirds majority.
Asked if he was not concerned about dwindling voter numbers, Malema said the ANC was confident of its membership.
"Supporters of the ANC will never vote for that party or any other party because if they are angry they don't vote at all."
On the issue of Lekota failing to attend a scheduled meeting with the ANC national executive committee on Thursday, Malema said: "This is arrogance and disrespect of the ANC leadership.
Party spokesperson Jessie Duarte said the ANC delegation, led by the treasurer general, Mathews Phosa, had waited from 10am for the the pre-arranged meeting.
The ANC said earlier it wished "to place on record" that fact that Lekota did not turn up at the meeting, which, the party said, had been "confirmed telephonically".
Lekota insisted on Wednesday that the “majority” of South Africans would not continue to support the ANC that had “abandoned principles like equality before the law”.
“Let it be the people of South Africa to choose whether they want to go with the Malemas of this world,” he said.
Comments by Sonny
I tried comparing Malema to a Hyena....
The conclusion....
The Hyena has a better smile!
Posted by Sonny Cox at 11:33 AM 0 comments Links to this post
Labels: ANCYL, JULIUS Malema, rhetoric.
The big split: Tensions simmer in rebel camp
The new political formation planned by former defence minister Mosiuoa Lekota is off to a rocky start with supporters at odds over whether to stay and fight from within the ANC.
The Mail & Guardian understands that disgruntled members who oppose a breakaway party want to convince ANC members to pass a motion of no-confidence in ANC president Jacob Zuma, paving the way for a special party conference to elect new leaders.
Many senior leaders do not want to be seen challenging the Zuma-led executive as this would compromise their political careers and business opportunities.
The rival tendency insists that a new party is needed to highlight the ANC’s faults and convince voters that the party has fundamentally moved away from the party they support.
“The aim is to protect current ANC policies and the country’s Constitution from being tampered with,” an organiser said.
Conflicting perspectives began emerging after the dramatic announcement by Lekota and other leaders on Wednesday that they are ready to head a new party to challenge the ANC in next year’s elections.
Lekota said that if he did not receive an answer to his open letter to the ANC leadership last week, in which he attacked the party’s betrayal of its founding principles, he would convene a national convention to decide on whether to launch a new formation.
ANC treasurer Mathews Phosa invited him to meet the leadership at Luthuli House on Thursday, but he did not make an appearance.
Although they would not come out publicly, the M&G was told that some Cabinet ministers and ANC national executive committee (NEC) members are part of the plan to form a new party.
The ANC is divided on how to deal with the breakaway group, with Phosa insisting on Wednesday that the ANC leadership will engage with Lekota, while Zuma warned the rebels to remember there are “limits” to what they can do.
The ANC has called its provincial chairs to Luthuli House on Monday to discuss how to deal with the use of ANC structures, such as branch meetings, to organise for the new movement.
The Eastern Cape, Western Cape and Northern Cape are the main arenas of potential conflict and rebel meetings have been held in those provinces to mobilise ANC members.
Luthuli House has asked provincial leaders to meet disaffected elements. Provincial leaders in the Eastern Cape are scrambling to ensure that the new movement planned by provincial executive member Mluleki George does not gain further ground.
George recently resigned as deputy defence minister following the recall of former president Thabo Mbeki by the ANC.
Eastern Cape ANC chairperson Stone Sizani said ANC members will help the rebels pack if they want to leave, adding that George has effectively “fired himself” from the provincial leadership.
“I doubt if he will come to the PEC [provincial executive committee meeting scheduled for Friday]; he has fired himself by making those statements [at this week’s media conference].”
Sizani said the province is seen as the breeding ground for the new party “because the instigator lives here”.
“The members are irritated [by George’s statements]; the majority are asking us to take action. They are saying the sooner they leave, the better. This is not good for discipline: if junior members do things like this, they get disciplined.”
According to Sizani, George wants to ensure when he walks away, he takes with him significant support.
“We know what is happening on the ground; members are telling us where and who they [rebel members and leaders] are meeting.”
Eastern Cape PEC spokesperson Andile Nkuhlu confirmed reports of meetings being held in the Nelson Mandela Bay region, which includes Port Elizabeth and the Eastern Cape’s largest region, Amathole, which includes East London and Bhisho.
“We can’t deny it; there is a deep sense of anger in the province. We know there are initiatives in these regions and the majority of branches are meeting in defiance of the leadership seeking new hope.
“There is a special meeting planned where there will be a plenary and we have to take stock of the problems people have.”
Nkuhlu said there are plans for a series of meetings starting on Friday in the province to deal with the possibility of new formations.
The Eastern Cape leadership is worried by the fact that George is deeply rooted in ANC structures, where he serves as the Amathole regional chair.
“He comes with lots of credibility in the structures on the ground, he is a seasoned campaigner,” said Nkuhlu.
The ANC plans to move quickly to ensure that the support for the new movement does not grow.
“This is not just a few people, it is much more than that,” said Nkuhlu. “If the reports in regions and subregions are anything to go by, the plans to join a new movement are going ahead.”
Provincial secretary Siphato Handi said that if Zuma had stuck to his plans to visit the Eastern Cape last weekend, the anger might have subsided.
“Everything was ready; we’d convened the branches and they voiced their anger and disappointment. He cancelled at the 11th hour.”
Zuma was due to address members in Mthatha and Port Elizabeth, but cancelled at the last minute.
A senior ANC MP told the M&G that the new party would take off because members felt there is a growing need “for the emergence of the real ANC that they know”.
“There is an anarchist tendency that has overtaken the movement. There are attempts to change policies; some want to change Polokwane policies. Cosatu’s opposition to inflation targeting was rejected in Polokwane, but now people are raising it again.”
A former Luthuli House official closely aligned to Mbeki said Lekota’s media conference is an attempt to “show the intensity of the discontentment to the ANC”.
“It is about making a statement and feeling comfortable again with yourself and your conscience, for the first time in a long time.”
Said ousted Mbulelo Ncedana, suspended regional secretary of the Western Cape’s Dullah Omar region: “Things that Terror said yesterday we share. We are not excluding the possibility of Terror attending, but we have no confirmation that he will attend.”
Commenting on a Western Cape meeting planned for the weekend, he said: “This is not a launch of the new party; this is a provincial branch meeting -- branches that were excluded from the provincial conference. We are all meeting. We are talking to branches in other provinces.”
In the Northern Cape meetings were held by supporters of former provincial secretary Neville Mompati to “welcome” Lekota’s announcement.
Lekota’s announcement has generated significant interest among other groups which were planning to challenge the ANC at next year’s election.
Mbuyisi Mgibisa, spokesperson for a group of disgruntled ANC leaders in the Eastern Cape, said the group would hold a meeting on Friday in the province to discuss the possibility of forming one strong party.
“There is a feeling that we might share the same views as Lekota and George,” said Mgibisa.
There would also be other meetings by different structures intending to join the new party throughout the country at the weekend, George told the M&G. “You will see on the weekend, all of them coming out,” he promised.
Youth League president Julius Malema warned on Thursday that the league will be waiting for them.
“We called on ANCYL structures to be on the alert. Counter-revolutionary forces are moving to destroy the revolution. They will find us ready, not to speak to them, but to dismiss them. Defenders of the revolution are on the alert to defend the revolution.”
Additional reporting by Pearlie Joubert and Nosimilo Ndlovu
M & G
Comments by Sonny
Don't worry about Mosiuoa Terror Lekota, he is intelligent and old enough to look after himself.
Zuma should worry about his marriage to the SACP.....
Posted by Sonny Cox at 11:27 AM 0 comments Links to this post
Labels: ANC, Defence Minister Mosiuoa Lekota Deputy Mluleki George Gauteng Premier Mbhazima Shilowa Breakaway Party, Mathews Phosa.
Hot lead in N1 highway murder cases(Clay Pierre- Louis / Megan Herselman)
Hot lead in N1 highway murder cases
Borrie La Grange Published:Oct 10, 2008
TWO years after a Seychelles citizen and a Cape Town journalist were shot and killed next to a Johannesburg highway, their families are pinning their hopes of solving the murders on a 26-year- old man appearing in court today.
In July 2006, Clay Pierre-Louis, 42, was shot dead next to the Rivonia Road off-ramp on the N1, after a friend, whom Pierre-Louis was talking to on his cellphone, heard him begging for help.
A month before, Megan Herselman, 49, senior editor of Drive Out magazine, was shot and killed 300m from the same spot while calling for help after getting lost.
Yesterday, police said detectives had arrested a man on Tuesday in Ivory Park.
‘‘We believe he is linked to Pierre-Louis’s murder and we are following up leads. He appeared on a murder charge in the Randburg Magistrate’s Court,” said police spokesman Superintendent Lungelo Dlamini.
A police source close to the investigation said the suspect was allegedly found in possession of an item belonging to Pierre-Louis that was taken during the attack.
Janey James, a friend of Pierre- Louis , was ecstatic at the news of the developments.
“I thought they had forgotten about the case, that it was dead and buried. There is now a glimmer of hope [that the case can be solved] because it seems that they have been working on the case behind the scenes. I am very pleased,” said James.
Nothing was taken from Herselman after she was killed, but Pierre-Louis’s killers fled with his cellphone.
( The Times)
Earlier Report two years ago:
Magazine editor slain after an hour in Joburg
June 15 2006 at 05:15AM
By Lebogang Seale
Megan Herselman had been in Johannesburg for less than an hour when she was found murdered on the M1 South highway.
Herselman, 49, the routes editor for Drive Out magazine in Cape Town, had been excited about covering an Outdoor Adventure Expo and manning her company's stand in Kyalami on Wednesday morning.
According to Gauteng police Constable Sefako Xaba, she was found murdered at about 8.40pm on Tuesday.
Her body was found lying in a rental car that had rolled downhill.
She had been shot four times in the lower abdomen, and the motive was unknown.
On Wednesday, Herselman's twin sister, Naomi, an executive director at New Media Publishers Limited, was battling to come to terms with the gruesome murder.
"I saw Megan on Tuesday evening when she was attending our company's conference. Afterwards she left for the airport for a flight to Johannesburg, where she was to man our stand at the expo," said Naomi.
She said Megan tried to phone her at 8.20pm from Johannesburg International, asking for directions to Kyalami, but her cellphone was off.
"She then called a friend, who gave her directions," she said.
Xaba said Megan was driving to an undisclosed hotel in Sandton when an unknown man apparently stopped her on the M1 South, close to the Rivonia offramp, before shooting her at close range.
Xaba appealed to anyone with information about the killing to call 08600-10111 .
This article was originally published on page 1 of The Star on June 15, 2006
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Motorist dies in road shooting
22/06/2006 10:16 - (SA)
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Johannesburg - A man has died after being shot on William Nicol drive in unclear circumstances on Thursday, police said.
Spokesperson Sergeant Sanku Tsunke said the man had been shot in the stomach before managing to drive to a petrol station. He later died.
Tsunke couldn't confirm whether this was an attempted hijacking and said details on the shooting were still sketchy.
This shooting is the latest in a spate of motorway shootings.
Cape Town journalist Megan Herselman was shot dead at the Rivonia off-ramp, near William Nichol, in an apparent botched hijacking last week.
On Tuesday night a Johannesburg businessman, Anwar Mohammed, was shot dead at the Glenhove onramp on the M1 highway.
All these murder cases remain unsolved.
Posted by Tango at 4:56 AM 0 comments Links to this post
Labels: Megan Herselman Clay Pierre Louis Senior Editor Drive out magazine Anwar Mohamed
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Phosa admits ANC failure
09/10/2008 22:49 - (SA)
New party needs strong leaders
Lekota snubs ANC meeting
New party 'a first-class idea'
Backing for Lekota
Lekota - what next?
'Marriage has not broken down'
Left 'won't influence' Motlanthe
'Together, we can only succeed'
Liezel de Lange, Beeld
Stellenbosch - When it comes to reconciliation between the various races in South Africa, the ANC has dropped the ball, ANC treasurer general Mathews Phosa said on Thursday evening.
Former presidents Nelson Mandela and FW de Klerk managed to keep this ball in the air for a while, but he had to admit the party has since dropped it, Phosa said.
In a speech prepared for delivery, he also asked South Africans to reach out to those around them in order to bridge the chasms left by apartheid.
Phosa was addressing more than a hundred Afrikaans role-players, including businessmen, academics, wine farmers, sportspeople and church leaders.
The event formed part of a series of discussions that ANC leaders, among them President Kgalema Motlanthe, have had with Afrikaans-speaking people in Stellenbosch and Somerset West recently.
Vigorous debate
Regarding the strife within the ANC, Phosa said the party welcomed vigorous debate, but members should resign themselves to the outcome of democratic processes.
He said the party had a strong new leadership that was equipped to face the country's challenges.
Phosa wasn't very concerned about threats that opposition parties could erode the ANC's support base in next year's elections.
Turning to matters financial, Phosa said the ANC realised it couldn't kill the goose that lay the golden eggs by limiting the private sector through its economic policy.
The ANC government would manage its economic policy in such a way as to allow the private sector to flourish and pay tax, he said.
This would allow the government to collect the money to finance its service-delivery programmes.
- Beeld
Posted by Sonny Cox at 11:42 PM 0 comments Links to this post
Labels: Mathews Phosa.
Highway murder case re-opened after report
Highway murder case re-opened after report
Lee Rondganger
October 08 2008 at 09:54AM
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An internal Johannesburg metro police investigation initially cleared four officers patrolling the N1 less than an hour before a Johannesburg man was killed there.
But when The Star highlighted the discrepancy in the amount of time the patrol car spent in the area compared to the first time it drove through, the metro police swiftly re-opened the investigation.
The initial probe followed a Benoni driver's allegations that a metro police squad car had been seen patrolling the N1 highway just minutes before 32-year-old Arren Mahabir's car hit rocks placed there by robbers hiding in the bushes around 2.40am on Thursday.
Mahabir was shot and killed as he and his fiancee, Valesh Naidoo, got out to change the burst tyre.
The motorist, who hit the rocks half an hour before Mahabir, had told the Saturday Star that the officers never stopped to remove the obstruction from the highway, despite the fact that rocks on the road are a well-known tactic.
On Tuesday director David Tembe, the Joburg metro police department's head of operations, said the officers denied seeing any rocks when they passed the area.
The driver said a metro police car passed him while he changed his tyre and the officers had in fact weaved their way through the debris without stopping to clear it.
It was this allegation that forced JMPD management to launch an investigation.
Every metro police vehicle is fitted with a tracking device, and the department ordered a printout to determine the exact times their vehicles were in the area.
According to the vehicle tracking report, the first vehicle passed the area between Malibongwe Drive and William Nicol Drive at 1.13am.
The vehicle, a Ford Focus, spent one minute and 56 seconds in the area. Twenty-four minutes later, at 1.37am, a second vehicle passed the area - a Ford Ranger - followed a minute later by the Ford Focus.
This time, however, the Focus took 10 minutes and 54 seconds to go through the area, while the Ford Ranger took 5 minutes and 21 seconds.
Asked why the officers in the Focus took nearly nine minutes more to patrol the same stretch of road compared to the first time, Tembe said: "Yes, this needs more probing. There are some questions that need to be answered."
Tembe said the officers had been adamant that there had not been any rocks placed on the road, but he admitted that investigating officers had not picked up the difference between the two times.
Part of the internal investigation notes that the metro police control room received its first report of the incident at 3.03am.
"The officers immediately responded, and by the time they got there, the SAPS were already on scene and were attending to it," Tembe said.
Both the SAPS and the metro police have stepped up patrols in the vicinity.
Provincial police spokesperson Captain Julia Claassen said on Wednesday that no arrests had been made.
Tembe said the JMPD had set up a special unit four months ago to patrol a stretch of the N14 near Krugersdorp where motorists were being targeted by robbers placing rocks in the road. This unit was now monitoring the N1.
"This was the first time that rocks were placed on the N1 highway. We are appealing to people not to stop their vehicles if they hit a rock, and if they do see rocks on the road, they should call us immediately," Tembe said.
Any motorist who sees rocks on the road is urged to call the JMPD at 011-375-5911 .
This article was originally published on page 3 of The Star on October 08, 2008
Posted by Tango at 10:55 PM 0 comments Links to this post
Labels: Metro Police
Undercover Scorpion dishes the dirt
Undercover Scorpion dishes the dirt
October 09 2008 at 11:51AM
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By Sherlissa Peters
An undercover Scorpions investigator gave detailed evidence in Pietermaritzburg's regional court on Wednesday of how he infiltrated a city's thriving drug syndicate.
Gavin Jacobs, testifying at the trial of alleged drug queen Ramjini Chetty, 38, Joyce Komane, 44, Surychand Maharaj, 53, Bongi Dlamini, 24, and Jessendran Pillay, 29, said that he created the persona of a drug user named "Kevin" and became friends with one of the drug runners in June 2005.
Jacobs told the court of the numerous times he had visited the syndicate's headquarters in Queen Street (Chetty's residence), where he would buy crack cocaine.
Cocaine is sold in the form of a "jaw", with a full jaw costing about R1 600, half a jaw R800, and so on.
During his testimony, Jacobs recounted the number of times he had bought cocaine, and identified Chetty as the boss, and Maharaj, Dlamini and Pillay as her employees.
On two occasions, Jacobs called Chetty and told her he needed half a jaw of cocaine delivered to him.
Jacobs then met Maharaj and Chetty at the Engen Service Station in Hayfields where the deals were concluded.
He confirmed that on both these occasions, Ashley Govender was the driver. Govender was one of Chetty's former drug runners and was initially arrested along with Chetty and her co-accused, before turning state witness.
Govender testified in the trial last week and confirmed that he had made a delivery of cocaine to the Hayfields area on two separate occasions.
Both times he had made a delivery of half a jaw to a man named Kevin.
Jacobs said he had been undercover, purchasing drugs and pumping members of the syndicate for information for a period of three months.
He said all the cocaine he had bought had been handed over to his superiors as evidence.
Jacobs continues his testimony under cross-examination on Thursday.
Chetty, Komane, Maharaj, Dlamini and Pillay have been charged with multiple counts of drug possession, dealing in drugs, racketeering, money laundering and fraud.
The charge sheet reflects 36 different counts relating to all the accused.
In November 2005, 15 alleged drug dealers, including all five of the accused, were arrested in a joint undercover operation by the police and the Scorpions. The alleged drug syndicate had been under surveillance for approximately a year before the arrests.
Evidence revealed that the syndicate comprised a clearly defined structure.
Scorpions investigators identified Chetty as the manager of the syndicate, which received drugs from Komane.
The drugs were allegedly supplied to the other accused for sale and distribution to drug users and street drug dealers.
In documents handed to the court, Scorpions investigators indicated that the drug trafficking syndicate, which collected between R3 000 and R4 000 a day from each of its drug runners, was operating in Pietermaritzburg.
During the undercover operation it was discovered that the syndicate had allegedly been in existence for the past 10 years.
After her arrest in 2005, Chetty was granted bail, but was again arrested last year, together with her son, when a Scorpions raid on her Queen Street property allegedly revealed several bags containing drugs.
Crack cocaine, in the form of "rock", amounting to a street value of R17 000, was confiscated.
Her son was granted R30 000 bail, but Chetty declined to bring an application before the court.
That trial is still ongoing.
In September last year the Pietermaritzburg High Court granted an order forfeiting Chetty's Queen Street property and other assets to the state as they were alleged to be the proceeds of crime.
The value of the goods and property seized amounted to R1,5-million.
Then, in June this year, Scorpions investigators swoop-ed on the home of Komane.
Cars, furniture, jewellery, electronic equipment and a Persian carpet believed to be worth hundreds of thousands of rands, were confiscated by the Scorpions.
It is argued that Komane acquired these assets from profits obtained through her alleged illegal activities.
This article was originally published on page 6 of Daily News on October 09, 2008
Posted by Tango at 10:49 PM 0 comments Links to this post
Labels: scorpions
Occupation not apartheid
DAVID HIRSH: COMMENT - Oct 09 2008 06:00
Palestinians are not free. They suffer under an Israeli occupation that is sustained by a regime of violence, surveillance and control.
As well as a military occupation, successive Israeli governments have tolerated and supported the efforts of settlers to take Palestinian land for themselves in violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention.
Palestinians and settlers live under unequal legal regimes. Settlers have incomparably greater freedom of movement, democratic and legal rights as well as access to resources.
President Mahmoud Abbas is working for an end to the occupation and the creation of a democratic and independent Palestinian state at peace with Israel. But some people choose to express their moral outrage at the injustices of the occupation within a starkly different political framework by insisting that Israel is the same as apartheid South Africa.
The Israel-apartheid analogy expresses moral outrage effectively but it is also counterproductive to Palestinian liberation and it encourages ways of thinking that are threatening to democratic politics. It portrays Israel as evil, like the apartheid regime, and so implies that Palestinian freedom requires the dismantling of Israel -- an aspiration that the overwhelming majority of Jews strongly oppose -- and with justification.
The analogy is also a short cut to the conclusion that Israelis should be boycotted. In truth a mass movement for the exclusion of Jews, even if not all Jews, from the academic, cultural, sporting and economic life of humanity, resonates with an altogether different memory from the boycott of white South Africa.
There is a temptation to treat the Middle East as an empty vessel that we can fill with our own issues. In England thinking is often influenced by colonial guilt; in Germany Israel is understood through the lens of the Holocaust; in Ireland the Palestinians become Republicans and the Israelis Unionists.In Poland many sympathise with Israel as a small democratic nation threatened by tyrannical neighbours. In South Africa the conflict is increasingly thought of in relation to apartheid.
This kind of analytical self-centredness is disrespectful to Palestinians and to Israelis; our thinking should not be about us but about them. All these experiences and analogies can help us to understand but they can also distort our view, which should focus on the Middle East of today, not on our own preoccupations. We should be suspicious of a movement that seeks to appropriate the memory of the anti-apartheid struggle to do political work elsewhere.
Many people around the world feel themselves to have been part of the anti-apartheid movement and there is a nostalgia for the unity and the certainties of that struggle, as well as for the fantastic result. The project is to recreate the movement but now with Israel at the centre of a global coalition of moral condemnation.
The Israel-Palestine conflict is a small but nasty confrontation between two communities, not a fight between good and evil. Israel does not profit from Palestinians and its oppressive policies neither stem from self-interest nor bad faith; they are products of successive failures, including by Palestinian leaders, to make peace; it is fear, not evil or greed, which fuels the violence.
We should support those within both nations who fight for peace and who oppose the demonisation of the other.
But the apartheid analogy does not encourage us to think in terms of reconciliation and peace. Anti-Semitism has always thought of Jews as being decisive in everything bad that happens in the world. The apartheid analogy now tries to position Israel at the centre of all that is threatening by building a global movement for its destruction. It encourages ways of thinking which see Israel as a keystone of global imperialism, as a block to world peace and even as a malicious force which controls American foreign policy.
The ANC taught us outsiders to listen to the oppressed. The Freedom Charter was a guarantee, given in advance, that black South Africa would not replicate the oppression against which it fought. If we listen to President Abbas then we will support his struggle for peace.But if we listen to Hamas we will be confronted by one key difference between Israel and apartheid. The Hamas Charter sows hatred of Jews and it promises a war against them to the finish. The Hamas Charter is not like the Freedom Charter because the Middle East is not like apartheid South Africa.
Veterans of the struggle speak with a moral authority when they talk about apartheid. It is important that they use that moral authority to help peace, not to single out the Jewish state as a moral evil on a global scale.
David Hirsh is a lecturer in sociology at Goldsmiths, University of London
M & G
Comments by Sonny
This ongoing conflict can be defined as "Tribalism!"
Peace will return to Palestine when Jesus returns to this Earth.....
Posted by Sonny Cox at 12:14 PM 0 comments Links to this post
Labels: Occupation not Apartheid.
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Comments by Sonny
Makes you think, doesn't it!
Labels: Communist rhetoric., Crime and punishment, Politics
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