AWB retracts 'avenge' statement

Seigneur, faites de moi un instrument de votre paix.
Là où il y a de la haine, que je mette l'amour.
Là où il y a l'offense, que je mette le pardon.
Là où il y a la discorde, que je mette l'union.
Là où il y a l'erreur, que je mette la vérité.
Là où il y a le doute, que je mette la foi.
Là où il y a le désespoir, que je mette l'espérance.
Là où il y a les ténèbres, que je mette votre lumière.
Là où il y a la tristesse, que je mette la joie.
Ô Maître, que je ne cherche pas tant à être consolé qu'à consoler,
à être compris qu'à comprendre,
à être aimé qu'à aimer,
car c'est en donnant qu'on reçoit,
c'est en s'oubliant qu'on trouve, c'est en pardonnant qu'on est pardonné,
c'est en mourant qu'on ressuscite à l'éternelle vie.

Say it with a sting.....AWB retracts 'avenge' statement
April 05 2010 at 03:01PM
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The Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging (AWB) has retracted its statement that it was going to avenge the killing of its leader, Eugene Terrre'Blanche. Addressing the media on Monday outside the farm where the killing took place, AWB spokesperson Pieter Steyn said: "There is going to be no parade, no flag, no political speeches (at the funeral)." The funeral, which will take place on Friday at Terre'Blanche's farm outside Ventersdorp in the North West, will be conducted in line with Afrikaner traditions, Steyn said.The 69-year-old right winger was allegedly killed by two of his workers over a wage dispute on Saturday evening, sparking fears of renewed race tensions. Political parties have called for calm and urged all South Africans to refrain from making inflammatory statements.
Meanwhile, AfriForum Youth on Monday asked the police task team investigating the murder to determine whether the suspects have any ties with the ANC Youth League (ANCYL). AfriForum Youth?s National Chairman, Ernst Roets, also asked Julius Malema to reconsider his "indifferent reaction" to circumstances in the country and his "obstinate attitude" regarding the ?Shoot the Boer/Farmer? song urgently."All eyes are on Julius Malema now. He persists in creating a climate in which murder and violence based on racial and ethnic grounds are being encouraged," Roets said.
April 05 2010 at 03:01PM
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The Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging (AWB) has retracted its statement that it was going to avenge the killing of its leader, Eugene Terrre'Blanche. Addressing the media on Monday outside the farm where the killing took place, AWB spokesperson Pieter Steyn said: "There is going to be no parade, no flag, no political speeches (at the funeral)." The funeral, which will take place on Friday at Terre'Blanche's farm outside Ventersdorp in the North West, will be conducted in line with Afrikaner traditions, Steyn said.The 69-year-old right winger was allegedly killed by two of his workers over a wage dispute on Saturday evening, sparking fears of renewed race tensions. Political parties have called for calm and urged all South Africans to refrain from making inflammatory statements.
Meanwhile, AfriForum Youth on Monday asked the police task team investigating the murder to determine whether the suspects have any ties with the ANC Youth League (ANCYL). AfriForum Youth?s National Chairman, Ernst Roets, also asked Julius Malema to reconsider his "indifferent reaction" to circumstances in the country and his "obstinate attitude" regarding the ?Shoot the Boer/Farmer? song urgently."All eyes are on Julius Malema now. He persists in creating a climate in which murder and violence based on racial and ethnic grounds are being encouraged," Roets said.
AWB rules out violence
2010-04-05 15:46
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'My son killed Terre'Blanche'
Call for 'reconciling leadership'
Ventersdorp - The party of murdered white supremacist Eugene Terre'Blanche ruled out any violent retaliation for his death on Monday.
The killing by two black farm workers on Saturday had stoked fears of possible violence and the AWB party had earlier spoken of avenging Terre'Blanche's murder.
"The AWB is not going to engage in any form of violent retaliation to avenge Mr Terre'Blanche's death," Pieter Steyn, a general in the AWB, told reporters.
"We appeal for people to remain calm. Anyone engaging in any form of violence is not doing it as AWB."
- Reuters
Read more on: mafikeng awb eugene terre'blanche
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'My son killed Terre'Blanche'
Call for 'reconciling leadership'
Ventersdorp - The party of murdered white supremacist Eugene Terre'Blanche ruled out any violent retaliation for his death on Monday.
The killing by two black farm workers on Saturday had stoked fears of possible violence and the AWB party had earlier spoken of avenging Terre'Blanche's murder.
"The AWB is not going to engage in any form of violent retaliation to avenge Mr Terre'Blanche's death," Pieter Steyn, a general in the AWB, told reporters.
"We appeal for people to remain calm. Anyone engaging in any form of violence is not doing it as AWB."
- Reuters
Read more on: mafikeng awb eugene terre'blanche
SACP condems Terre'Blanche murder
2010-04-05 17:36
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Terre'Blanche to be buried on farm
Call for 'reconciling leadership'
Media to be allowed onto farm
Johannesburg -
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Terre'Blanche to be buried on farm
Call for 'reconciling leadership'
Media to be allowed onto farm
Johannesburg -
Murder has no space in South African society and is not a solution, said the SA Communist Party on Monday in response to the murder of Eugene Terre'Blanche.
Spokesperson Malesela Maleka said despite the differences the party might have with individuals and their political beliefs, murder was not the solution.
He was speaking after the murder of Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging (AWB) leader Eugene Terre'Blanche on Saturday evening on his Ventersdorp farm.
Two of Terre'Blanche's farm workers, aged 15 and 28, have been arrested in connection with his murder, which they allegedly confessed to and said was motivated by a salary dispute.
Maleka said in a statement that though the SACP had "fundamental differences" with Terre'Blanche's views, it strongly condemned his murder.
"We call on government to act swiftly on the alleged perpetrators, and broaden these actions to combat both the killing of farm owners and farm workers."
"We cannot afford anymore to send a message that any of the farm killings is tolerable," he said.
Maleka said the SACP also supported President Jacob Zuma's call for people to be calm.
"The SACP also calls for restraint and that no one must try and exploit this unfortunate criminal incident for political reasons and grandstanding," he said.
Maleka said if the allegation that Terre'Blanche’s murder was sparked by a wage dispute was true, the party called upon all, especially government, to strengthen the effective regulation and labour inspectorate on farms.
Read more on: sacp eugene terreblanch
Spokesperson Malesela Maleka said despite the differences the party might have with individuals and their political beliefs, murder was not the solution.
He was speaking after the murder of Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging (AWB) leader Eugene Terre'Blanche on Saturday evening on his Ventersdorp farm.
Two of Terre'Blanche's farm workers, aged 15 and 28, have been arrested in connection with his murder, which they allegedly confessed to and said was motivated by a salary dispute.
Maleka said in a statement that though the SACP had "fundamental differences" with Terre'Blanche's views, it strongly condemned his murder.
"We call on government to act swiftly on the alleged perpetrators, and broaden these actions to combat both the killing of farm owners and farm workers."
"We cannot afford anymore to send a message that any of the farm killings is tolerable," he said.
Maleka said the SACP also supported President Jacob Zuma's call for people to be calm.
"The SACP also calls for restraint and that no one must try and exploit this unfortunate criminal incident for political reasons and grandstanding," he said.
Maleka said if the allegation that Terre'Blanche’s murder was sparked by a wage dispute was true, the party called upon all, especially government, to strengthen the effective regulation and labour inspectorate on farms.
Read more on: sacp eugene terreblanch
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