Monday, June 29, 2009

Minister liable for teen's rape by cop

Say it with a sting.....

Fatima Schroeder

June 29 2009 at 11:07AM

The Cape High Court has ruled that the Minister of Safety and Security is vicariously liable for the damages suffered by a 24-year-old woman who was assaulted and raped by a police detective when she was 13, after he offered her a lift home from a nightclub.

At the time he committed the crimes, the detective already had previous convictions for assault, assault with the intent to commit grievous bodily harm, and the negligent discharge of a firearm while under the influence of alcohol.

In a judgment handed down on Friday, Judge Lee Bozalek found that the minister should not have allowed him to continue to work as a detective in light of his previous offences.

In addition, the judge ruled that, even though the detective was off duty, his employer could have called upon him at any time to attend a crime scene or report for duty.

'He had been a police officer for 10 years'
The detective, Allister van Wyk, has been convicted of the charges and was sentenced to 12 years in prison, five years of which were suspended.

He is no longer employed as a police officer.

At the time of the incident, in October 1998, Van Wyk held the rank of sergeant. He had been a police officer for 10 years.

According to court papers, the complainant was at a nightclub with her friends when they became embroiled in an argument during the early hours of the morning.

She decided that she wanted to go home and Van Wyk, who was on standby at the time, offered her a lift in his unmarked police vehicle, a white Nissan Sentra.

There were several police dockets in the vehicle, which bore his name and rank, and his police radio was also visible.

Van Wyk later assaulted the teenage girl and raped her.

When he finally dropped her at home, he threatened that she would be harmed or killed if she told anyone about the rape.

But the girl told her mother, and laid criminal charges the following morning.

The complainant also instituted a civil action for damages against the minister of safety and security and Van Wyk, in which she alleged that the minister was vicariously liable for the damages she had suffered as a result of the rape.

Van Wyk did not defend the action but testified on behalf of the minister, who denied that Van Wyk had committed the act in the course and scope of his employment.

But Judge Bozalek said he accepted the complainant's version that she observed that Van Wyk was a police officer.

He said the question before the court was whether there was a sufficiently close link between Van Wyk's conduct and his employer's business.

The minister's lawyers submitted that Van Wyk had used his police vehicle unlawfully and was not on duty that night.

However, Judge Bozalek said this submission lost sight of the fact that being on duty was not necessarily a requirement for a finding of vicarious liability.

He said Van Wyk's employer could at any time have called upon him to attend a crime scene.

In addition, Judge Bozalek said that, without the use of his police vehicle, Van Wyk would not have been able to abduct the complainant and take her to a plot where he could rape her.

He added that his conclusion was strengthened by the fact that Van Wyk was allowed to work as a detective despite his criminal record.

He ruled that the minister and Van Wyk were liable for the complainant's damages, and ordered them to pay her costs.

The case has to return to court for the complainant to prove the amount of damages.

This article was originally published on page 6 of Cape Argus on June 29, 2009

IOL News

Comments by Sonny

The same rules should be laid down for police reservists. Most of them believe that

they are "policemen" 24/7.

Most of them don't believe that they are only auxiliary 'policemen' after they are

booked on duty in an official Occurance Book or SAPS 15 and OB.

We will not go into the possession of SAPS property here!

No wonder the ANC Government want to change the Constitution so that they are not

accountable for civil and criminal claims!

We will never stand for such TRASH!


Friday, June 26, 2009

Citizen Alert ZA: Court rules gun licences valid until act tested

Citizen Alert ZA: Court rules gun licences valid until act tested

Tell the world on

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Hanlie Retief gesels met Natasha Sutherland

Say it with a sting.....

13/06/2009 15:53 - (SA)
Hanlie Retief gesels met Natasha Sutherland

“Die ysprinses het gesmelt. Ek.”

Sjoe, en hóé. Natasha Sutherland is tssst. Sy’s vuurwarm.

Die fotograaf se kamera kliek-kliek-kliek.

Haar trui skuif af, liggies, wys ’n heuningskouer.

Haar hande gly oor haar perfekte lyf, net sodat ons presiés verstaan: dié lyf, dié mens, dié siel was vasgevries in ’n Ground Zero-huwelik, yskoud op Planeet Steve.

’n Baie, um, bedrywige planeet gewees daai. Oorvol.

Dis hoe dit was met die Hofmeyrs: Hoe warmer Steve Hofmeyr geraak het, hoe meer statig, stylvol en stywelip was sy vrou.

Vuur en ys, sê sy.

“Ek wou myself beskerm, maar ek besef nou eers dat ek te ver gegaan het. Ek het selfs my vriendinne weggestoot. Hulle vertel my nou ek was ’n spookbeeld van myself.”

Die ware Natasha, die oud-Natallertjie met ’n passie vir die Sharks en die verhoog, op sewe ’n soete bonbon in Die Neutekraker, later die beeldskone Sam ?Ryan in Egoli – van háár het daar deur al die Steve-skandes-en-sensasies min oorgebly.

“Ek het niks gehad om te sê nie. Maar nou’t ek ’n storie om te vertel. My eie.”

Haar biografie, Bittersoet, is dié naweek op die rakke. Sy’t ’n webruimte, ’n rubriek, sy blog, sy’s hoogs in aanvraag as spreker voor vrouegehore, beplan interaktiewe werkswinkels – met die eerste se tema: “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned”.

Natasha is op haar eie waarmakertoer. En sy hoef nie eens “Pampoen” te sing nie. Sy’t die ster op haar eie verhoog geword.

Hoe sê hulle? Revenge is a dish best served cold.

“Ja, dis nogal ironies, maar dis regtig nie wraak nie. Steve was maar net die katalisator daarvoor.”

Wat sê Steve oor alles?

“Jy sal hom moet vra. Hy’s minder gelukkig.”

Op sy blog spoeg Steve oor sy ekse wat nou so biografieë skryf (Janine van der Vyver en Natasha): hul “arrogansie is grensloos as hulle dink dat die publiek enigsins in hul storie sou belangstel sónder hoofstukke oor daardie ou media-agent genaamd ?Steve”.

Sy frommel haar fyn neusie.

“Hy’s op die oomblik lelik met my. Maar ek kon dit nog altyd regkry om nié sy aas te gryp nie.”

Maak dit seer?

“Sjoe, dis moeilik. Ek ís nog lief vir hom. Stel dit so: ek swaai nou my eie vlag hóóg. Sy klappe krý ’n ‘ieeee!’ uit my ego, maar hoe meer ek in myself glo, hoe minder kry ek seer.

“Wie weet,” begin sy giggel, “hy sal my nou seker híéroor ’n groot potskoot gee op sy blog!

“Maar ek het nie meer sy goedkeuring nodig nie,” daag die woudgroen oë uit.

So perdalks het Natasha nou die plakkaatpop geword vir vroue met jeukerige mans.

(En sy geniet die nasionale simpatie, brom Steve op sy blog.)

Vroue keer haar deesdae in parkeerterreine voor, jong meisies in restauranttoilette … “die terugvoer is ongelooflik. Ek voel ek maak kóntak met vroue. Op my blog skryf een: jou pyn word die medisyne vir ander vroue.”

Selfs Janine en die ander Steve-ekse – ook met húl pyn – kan baat vind by haar inspirasieboek?

“Ek wil liewers niks oor haar sê nie. Ek het haar nog nooit ontmoet nie, nooit die hewige blog-gevegte tussen haar en Steve gevolg nie. Ek probeer net fokus op myself.”

As sy gaan krap deur die donker argiewe van die laaste paar jaar, onthou sy: “Jy kom op ’n plek waar als so erg is jy flatline emosioneel.”

Dit was die Groot Kahuna, Steve en Janine se affair, wat daardie afgebinde senuwees uiteindelik weer laat léwe het.

Dit was onverwags soos ’n donderskoot, sê sy. “Maar ’n vrou weet instinktief as haar man ’n affair het.” Daar’s altyd éérs die weerlig.

“Eintlik wil jy niks van die hele, aaklige ding weet nie. Toe die Groot Waarheid my uiteindelik tref, toe val alles in plek.”

Boonop was Steve en Janine ’n nommer (38DD?) nog vóór hy en Natasha ewige trou op die Maagde-eilande gesweer het.

Natasha was altyd die “derde een”? Wat dit nogal beknop maak in ’n huwelik, soos prinses Diana gesê het?

Sy knik.

“Ek kan met Diana vereenselwig. Die verraad was wyd en diep en seer. Maar as jy wil aanbeweeg, móét jy daaroor kom.”

Sy moes tog geweet het waarvoor sy haar inlaat, dat ’n ring nie haar “super-heteroseksueel” (soos sy Steve noem) gaan inperk nie?

Sy wás bang dat hy ’n affair sou hê, erken sy. “Ja, maar ek het verby hoop gehoop dat dit nié sal gebeur nie.”

Planeet Steve was ’n Cadillac vol celeb-mense, celeb-dinge, celeb-skandes.

“Ek het geweet wat op my wag toe ek getrou het. En ek neem ook verantwoordelikheid vir ons verbrokkeling. Ek skryf daaroor in my boek.”

Sy glimlag as sy daaraan terugdink, wyd, tot die klein-klein gleufie tussen haar tande wys.

Op ’n spieël teen haar muur staan geskryf: “you’re perfect”. Nét sodat sy dit nie vergeet as sy verbystap, op pad voordeur toe nie. Draadletters spel “Joy” teen die groen muur. “Peace” in die gastetoilet. Aanmoedigings, bevestigings.

Dit gaan nou goed met Sebastian (7) en Benjamin (5), sê sy ligweg. “Hul grootste vrees was dat hulle nie meer hul pappa sou sien nie. Maar ons bly naby mekaar, hulle sien Steve drie, vier keer ’n week. My vriendinne en hul maatjies bly hier om ons in Midrand.”

Stoffel, die gemmerkat, kom skuur teen haar bene. Die reuse- Barrichello, hul nuwe Deense hond, volg Natasha soos ’n verliefde groupie. Natasha het haar oor hom ontferm nadat sy vorige eienaar skaars twee weke gelede dood is in ’n motorongeluk.

Dis nie ’n huis wat ’n versierder uit Weylandts aanmekaar geklap het nie. Dis ’n kuierplek – houthoenders en draadskape en leunstoele oorgetrek in ou matrasmateriaal. ’n Kaggelwarm heelwordkokon.

“Maar my eerste alleenmaande hier, og, was in een woord vreesaanjaend. Januarie nog was ek klinies depressief, moes ek ba?klei teen daai stemmetjie: Jy’s 38, jy’s alleen, jy’s ’n flop. Ophou blaai deur foto-albums van gelukkiger tye.

“Ophou vra: was ek régtig, régtig so pateties dat hy na soveel ander vroue moes gaan?

“Daar kom ’n tyd dat jy moet sê: genoeg. En toe ek dit regkry … joe, dis ’n fenomenale oorwinning. Ek sien myself nie meer as slagoffer nie.”

Vroeër, as sy saans die trappe afgesluip het wanneer die kinders slaap, het die stilte en eensaamheid haar soos ’n wolk omvou.

“Deesdae draf ek die trappe af en sit musiek op. Gryp ’n stuk neutsjokolade. Loop hier rond in my panties.”

Sjokolade. Sy (“en my dye!”) bedank Toblerone in haar boek.

Musiek. Kings of Leon. Jazz. Diana Washington. Maria Callas. Mika. Gwen Stefani.

Nie Steve Hofmeyr nie? Huh-uh, giggel sy ondeund. (“Maar die seuns het sy CD’s daarbo.”)

O ja, en dán meng sy vir haar ’n Claire Blanche by daardie lieflike ou kroegtoonbank uit die Springs-hotel. Daai einste afgedopte, lendelam een waarmee sy destyds opgewonde by Steve aangekom het met “ek’t geloof in dié ding!”

Met die honde om haar, trek sy saans haar skootrekenaar nader en skryf die nag in. Ironies was dit Steve wat, skaars ’n jaar terug, laatnag aan die blog was in hul stil huwelikshuis.

Ja, knik sy. “Dis hoekom ek skryf oor die eensaamheid in ’n huwelik. So baie getroudes ervaar dit.”

En hóé voel dit om weer te soen, Natasha?

Sy skaterlag.

“ ’n Paar maande ná ek weg is van Steve het ek begin dink: O aarde, een of ander tyd sal ek seker weer moet soen. Ek het heeltemal vergeet hoe!

“Ek probeer toe al my soene in sepies en op TV onthou. Gaan google: hoe om te soen. Jis, en spring daar toe ’n klomp wéird goed uit!

“Soorte soene, hoe om ’n Franse soen rég te doen, jou tong só, jou mond sus – dis soos ’n sci-fi-riller! Ek dag: nooit weer soen ek nie!”

Haar mondhoeke lig: “Maar toe die kans kom om weer te soen … was dit natuurlik en spontaan.”

Flash Gordon is haar skuilnaam vir haar nuwe njammie vlieënierkêrel. Die ou oor wie Steve vir haar wou SMS: “You’ve left my sky for one that gives u flying …”

Flash, seg Natasha, is ’n goeie soener. “ ’n Góéie soener.”

Flash kook ook graag vir haar. “Sy filet met lemmetjie is lieflik. Dié naweek gaan hy vir my beesstert maak.”

Sy was destyds só verlief op Steve jy kon haar pienk verf, in ’n hartjie sny en aan die krismisboom hang. Vertel sy graag.

Sal sy óóit weer so kan liefhê?

“A, selfs béter! Ek het soveel geleer. Ek kan nou briljant liefhê, en briljant liefgehê word.”

Wat was die ergste van alles, alles, alles?

“Dat my gesin opgebreek het.”

Sy begin die sin dapper, dan frommel haar moed.

“Sjoe, nou wil ek huil. Maar dít was die ergste vir my. Ek kon nie loop voor ek nie in my hart gewéét het: Daar’s geen ander uitweg nie.”

Die dae word nou afgetel tot die egskeiding. “Sover het hy regtig mooi na ons omgesien.”

Sy dink nogal baie aan wat sy op haar skeidag gaan doen.

“Dit sal ’n baie hartseer dag wees, dink ek. Soveel as wat ek kan sê ek het aanbeweeg, bly my hart seer.

“Ons was ’n samekoms van twee mooi siele, ek en hy. En juis daarom is dit ’n hartseer vaarwel.”

Sy kyk hartseer na my.

Maar héél. Warm.

’n Vrou wat van ’n rondloper, finaal, ’n tuisblyer sou kon maak.



Hotter than HELL!


Avusa weathers the storm

Say it with a sting.....

Adele Shevel

Published:Jun 13, 2009

AVUSA, the media and entertainment group that owns the Sunday Times, Sowetan and Daily Dispatch, said on Friday that headline earnings for the year ended March were expected to be between 235c and 245c a share.

Avusa’s results are scheduled to be released on or around June 25.

“Last year’s continuing headline earnings a share was about 290c, so it will be about 16% down on last year,” said a media analyst, who declined to be named.

“The newspapers, especially the Sunday Times, are probably doing the best of the lot within the group, but others would be struggling.”

He said the media segment would probably perform better than the rest of the group, even though it has been hit by declining advertising.

Earnings have probably been helped by lower costs, especially in terms of renegotiated printing contracts, when Avusa moved printing to Naspers from Caxton last year, he said.

“This would have been worth tens of millions of rands in terms of savings.”

He added that the results, though behind consensus, would be “pretty good” in this environment.

The calculation of the current period’s attributable earnings a share includes a profit of R62-million realised on the sale of Avusa’s Nigerian and Kenyan interests.

A fund manager said the market would be looking to see whether the group had optimised printing arrangements in light of uncertainty about its relationship with the cash-strapped printing joint venture with the Independent Group. Independent has not been reinvesting in its printing presses and the market will look for clarity on Avusa’s relationship with that group going forward.

“They (Independent News & Media Group) are in the wars and have to reach a compromise with bondholders,” said the fund manager, referring to the embattled European empire founded by Irish tycoon Tony O’ Reilly, the parent company of the Independent News & Media Group South Africa.

The Times

Comments by Sonny

The sign of the times.....

They should have kept their work horse, REPORTER!


Saturday, June 13, 2009

Cops above the law

Say it with a sting.....

11 June 2009
Alfred Moselakgomo -


ICD orders identity parade of the six
FOUR months after allegedly beating the suspect to death, six police officers will finally face the wrath of the law.

This comes after the independent complaints directorate (ICD) ordered that an identity parade be conducted to point out the implicated police officers .

The officers, who are based at the Middleburg police station in Mpumalanga, allegedly tortured Abram Moraba to death on February 21 after accusing him of having an illegal gun.

Moraba’s family was outraged when the police officers implicated in the beating were not charged.

Last week the family approached Sowetan to intervene and after our report the ICD sprung into action.

“We have ordered the six police officers involved to appear before us and the identity parade will be held this week,” ICD spokesperson Tiyani Sambo said.

“All witnesses, including Moraba’s wife, have been invited to the parade to identify the suspects,” he said.

Sambo could not tell why it took so long to investigate or charge those involved though Moraba’s wife told them that she knew the killers .

Mahlangu says her 50-year- old husband, a traditional healer from Mhluzi in Middleburg, was dragged from his home in handcuffs and paraded in the street while the cops beat him up.

She says police had stormed into their house and accused her husband of having an illegal firearm and demanded that he should produce it.

“They kicked the door down and without saying anything started assaulting him.”

She says when her husband insisted that he did not have a gun, they handcuffed him, loaded him on to a bakkie and drove away with him.

Mahlangu says before he was taken to the police cells, Moraba was coughing up froth and his head was so swollen that his face was no longer recognisable.

She says the following day when she went to the police station to check on her husband she was told that he was not there.

“Later that evening two detectives, one of whom I knew, came to tell me that my husband had died,” she says.

Reacting to the turn of events, Mahlangu says: “Finally there is hope that my husband’s killers will get what they deserve.”

Sowetan News

Comments by Sonny

Some cops and reservists think that they are above the law!


Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Citizen Alert Za June 2009

Say it with a sting.....

Citizen Alert ZA
Without fear or favour.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009

2009 (1263)
June (63)
Refuse to fly, pilots told
Apartheid no excuse - ANC
SABC denies Mandela rumours
Rest in Peace !
Passing of (Jaco) Christiaan Jacobus Liebenberg
Red Ants ‘sprayed us’
DA has vowed to set up pressure on President Jacob...
Millions hungry in KZN
Acting Cape high court judge found dead
JSC puts new judges' interviews on hold
ANC councilor gunned down-KwaZulu Natal- Greytown
2010 Soccer World Cup workers may strike
Former Scorpions fear being shafted
Zille shakes up SA politics
Vlok on pardons list
New head of police in a month
Padvalk getref toe twee skiet
World headlines today
'You can love but be critical'
Nuwe minister van gesondheid gryp in
Brazen cop robbers bust
ANC at war with Cosatu
Scorpions seek legal advice on new posts
Ministry denies staff shortages
Air France crash: Bodies found
'Tell me if I do wrong things'
SA Most wanted to be hunted globally - Jean - Cla...
Peace index:South Africa down 15 places ... Rankin...
Unpaid compensation money creeps up on JMPD
Parktown Boys' accused look relaxed in dock
DA Newsletter 5th June 2009
"Movement " on replacing suspended National police...
Police find 68 IDs at dump site
ATM bombed in Soshanguve
Local arms dealer gunned down
Dié wat wapens wil skenk, kry nou jaar lange permi...
Hummer's Chinese buyer a newcomer
SA most-wanted to be hunted globally
‘Killer’ cops case drags on
Body burnt beyond recognition
Cop shot, killers make off with police van
SA gun owners up in arms
10,000 child prostitutes in Johannesburg South Afr...
'Drug cops' trial moved
Zuma promises half a million jobs by December
I might not be a South African- a story 12 months ...
Zuma should focus on crime - readers
Child raped every 3 minutes in South Africa-Solida...
'Blackout' threat against SABC
Stage set for President Zuma
Investigations underway after reservists is gunned...
Snub white areas, Malema tells government
Favouritism claims fly at ANC meeting
ANC to 'reprioritise' election promises
Mantashe fails to save Malema from court
Z News: Behind the scenes
'May you catch snake flu'
Madiba grandson fights back against 'lies'
Horror of boys' sex abuse
Thirteen of 20 robbers held in foiled robbery
Zuma, Mbeki legal fees: state in the dark
Tycoon's billion rand offer to fight crime
May (143)
April (194)
March (316)
February (291)
January (256)
2008 (1492)
December (197)
November (161)
October (219)
September (238)
August (228)
July (137)
June (105)
May (98)
April (66)
March (43)

Citizen Journalist Johannesburg
Sonny Cox



Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Priest found dead at church in Jerusalem

Say it with a sting.....

June 09 2009 at 04:13PM

Jerusalem - A 34-year-old priest was found dead on Tuesday at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem, where most Christians believe Jesus was crucified and buried, officials said.

The cleric, thought to be an Armenian, was found at the bottom of a flight of stairs and appears to have fallen, a police spokesperson.

"The priest fell down and passed away," Micky Rosenfeld said. "His death was not the result of a criminal act."

The Holy Sepulchre, considered by most Christians to be their faith's holiest site, is uneasily shared by six denominations, including Greek Orthodox, Armenians and Roman Catholics.

"The Armenians are in a state of shock," said Father Fergus Clarke, the senior Franciscan monk at the church, who spoke with the dead man's colleagues shortly after the incident.

"They tried to revive him but unfortunately it was too late," he said.

Tensions among the various denominations are not uncommon, erupting most recently last November when a brawl broke out between Greek and Armenian monks after a mass at the church. - Sapa-AFP

The Star

Comments by Sonny

SA is not the exception to clergy killings!

Angels and Demons are not only found in Rome.


ANC member killed, another wounded in KZN

Say it with a sting.....

June 09 2009 at 05:02PM

An ANC member was shot and killed and another wounded in an attack in Nongoma, KwaZulu-Natal, in the early hours of Tuesday, the party said.

It said Ntombi Busisiwe Simelane, a teacher at Nhlanhlayethu High School, was killed in her home.

"Another comrade, Bafanyana Seme, is in a critical condition at the St Benedictine Hospital in Nongoma after being shot during the attacks," the African National Congress in KwaZulu-Natal said in a statement.

The party said it was told that the homes of three ANC members were attacked in the early hours of the morning.

"The assailants first attacked the Simelane home where they killed Comrade Ntombi Busisiwe Simelane. Police found nine cartridges from a pump gun and one AK-47 cartridge at her home," the ANC said.

"The assailants are then said to have moved to KwaHemende where they attacked the Mncube family who all survived the attacks miraculously."

They then moved to KwaSeme where the Seme family was attacked, resulting in the injury of Bafanyana Seme, the ANC said.

Police spokesperson Superintendent Jay Naicker could not immediately confirm the attacks.

The ANC said the attacks come just a day after the killing of another ANC member, uMzinyathi councillor Tony Malunga who was shot and killed in Greytown.

"We are now convinced that our members are under attack from unscrupulous individuals who are not pleased with the inroads the ANC has made in areas considered as former 'no go areas' in KwaZulu-Natal," the party said. - Sapa

The Star

Comments by Sonny

How many 'comrades' belong to the 'third force' active in KZN!

Could this not be ongoing tribal warfare!


'Stop fleecing, start policing!'

Say it with a sting.....

June 09 2009 at 09:32AM

By Laura Ashbaugh

A group of ex-policemen and angry motorists are taking on the Johannesburg Metro Police Department (JMPD) over mobile traffic cameras because they claim they are illegally fining drivers.

"Ban the cam! Stop fleecing, start policing!" reads the bright yellow bumper stickers handed out by two groups leading the charge towards banning the cameras: the Scrutiny of Inequitable Traffic Enforcement (Site) and the Justice Project South Africa (JPSA).

"The JMPD, I'm afraid, is out of control and they need to be reeled in," Howard Dembovsky, of the JPSA, said on Monday. "These cameras are weapons of mass prosecution."

'These cameras are weapons of mass prosecution'
The group complains that the JMPD sets up cameras in locations where they have not received proper authorisation. In addition, they claim that poorly trained officers can "slip" while operating the sensitive laser cameras and cause a misreading of more than 40km/h.

Also, the group says it is often impossible to tell who is driving the cars because the photos are of poor resolution or taken of the rear of the car.

Mike Tanski, chairman of Site, said notifications are often mailed out more than a month after the offence, when it is too late to mount evidence for a defence.

"The constitution says that if you are accused of an offence, you can gather evidence for your defence, but you don't get the chance to do that if the notifications are given one month later," he said.

Tanski said that since Site was founded in 2000, they have received thousands of complaints from motorists.

'Your constitutional rights are being stomped on'
Site and JPSA recently launched a new website - - to solicit more complaints from motorists and offer help.

Once they raise enough money, Tanski and Dembovsky plan on taking their complaints all the way to the Constitutional Court.

Last year, thousands of speeding fines were cancelled after it was discovered that they were issued in unauthorised locations.

JMPD spokesman Wayne Minnaar said since then, officers have been very careful about where they set up the cameras.

Dembovsky said the JPSA is not advocating speeding, but proper enforcement. He suggested that instead of mobile cameras, the JMPD should install more accurate stationary cameras that are painted bright colours.

"If the stationary cameras were bright yellow and erected every 2km, no one would speed."

Dembovsky is ready for a confrontation. Armed with a stack of complaints and photos, he said his ultimate goal is to disband the JMPD.

"Motorists are being fleeced of their money by fraudulent means," he said.

"Your constitutional rights are being stomped on."

This article was originally published on page 3 of The Star on June 09, 2009

The Star

IOL News

Comments by Sonny

According to the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 'Entrapment" is


Most of the traps set up by traffic departments are illegal and if we do not oppose

our cases in court, we will keep on feeding corruption!

Most speed traps are in violation of our civil rights.


Jobs drive to cost $1,2-billion

Say it with a sting.....

CAPE TOWN, SOUTH AFRICA - Jun 09 2009 08:58

South Africa's drive to create millions of job opportunities will cost R10-billion over the next three years, Trade and Industry Minister Rob Davies said on Tuesday.

President Jacob Zuma is under pressure from trade union allies, who helped to secure his presidency in April, to protect workers as Africa's biggest economy in its first recession in 17 years.

"The presidency will be leading a special national jobs initiative, in which a range of new and revamped programmes will be launched to the estimated value of R10-billion over the three year medium-term expenditure framework," Davies said in a speech.

Additional funding would be identified to increase the impact of the jobs initiative, as the country tried to create about 500 000 job opportunities by December, he said.

Zuma said in his maiden State of the Nation speech last week that the government would create half a million opportunities this year through an expanded public works programme, and four million, mostly temporary, jobs by 2014.

The global crisis has hit South Africa's manufacturing and mining sectors hard. The official jobless rate is 23,5%.

Tempering expectations
Tempering expectations, Zuma on June 4 made clear there were limits to what the government could do.

"Since the implementation of our programme will take place in the face of the economic downturn, we will have to act prudently -- no wastage, no rollovers of funds -- every cent must be spent wisely and fruitfully," said Zuma.

"The economic downturn will affect the pace at which our country is able to address the social and economic challenges it faces. But it will not alter the direction of our development."

"If you are listening to what he is saying, it outlines how difficult the task facing this government is. How extremely limited their room for manoeuvre is," said independent analyst Nic Borain. - Reuters

Mail & Guardian

Comments by Sonny

Nothing comes without a "fat" price tag!

The government should start by redeploying the victims of job-losses and then

address the crime situation in SA, as a matter of urgency!
