Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Shilowa's behaviour 'unbecoming'

Say it with a sting.....

30/09/2008 22:26 - (SA)

Manuel expects more to quit

ANC 'won't be distracted'

Shilowa not pushed - ANC

Shilowa resigns 'out of principle'

Johannesburg - The ANC disapproves of outgoing Gauteng premier Mbhazima Shilowa's "unbecoming behaviour", the provincial branch of party said on Tuesday.

Reacting to remarks by Shilowa at his resignation this week, the party said in a statement: "As the ANC we disapprove of this unbecoming behaviour of a long-serving ANC member.

"We expect comrade Shilowa to observe discipline, behave honestly and carry out loyally the decisions of the majority and of higher bodies."

The Gauteng African National Congress said this was what Shilowa used to preach and enforce when he was the chair of the province.

Shilowa resigned on Monday out of loyalty to ousted president Thabo Mbeki and because he did not want to be "in constant battles" with the ANC leadership.

"I am resigning due to my convictions that while the ANC has the right to recall any of its deployed cadres, the decision needs to be based on solid facts, be fair and just."

'You stand by your own'

"I also did not feel that I will be able to, with conviction, publicly explain or defend the NEC's decision on comrade Thabo Mbeki," Shilowa told reporters in Johannesburg.

"You stand by your own if you think they've been wrongly dealt with. I'm doing no more than that," he added.

The ANC provincial executive council, of which Shilowa is a member, said it had met on Sunday and this was followed by a meeting of 330 ANC branches, regional leaders and representatives of various components of the ANC and Alliance partners in Gauteng.

"These meetings received and unanimously welcomed the decision of the National Executive Committee on recalling former president Thabo Mbeki, and the appointment of Kgalema [Motlanthe] as the President of South Africa."

Constructive criticism

The party said any member of the ANC was entitled to offer constructive criticism of any programme, activity or position of the ANC within its structures.

"Comrade Shilowa has not raised his views within the structures of the ANC in particular the recent PEC and the PGC.

"He chose the route of speaking to the media and communicating his personal views.

"Whilst we respect his freedom of expression we, however, take a dim view of his attempt to undermine and impede the cohesive functioning of the structures of the ANC."

Comments by Sonny

If the ANC really want to uphold the Constitution then they must respect the constitutiona rights of the Premier of Gauteng Mbhazima Shilowa.

The ANC should practise what they preach.

What about his 'Freedom of Speech' rights.


Thursday, September 25, 2008

A new president is being announced today

Say it with a sting.....

Thabo Mbeki won't be in parliament today.

He is too busy trying to repair his 'injured legacy!'


Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Apocalypse South Africa

Say it with a sting.....


…..“Apocalypse Now, a movie (1979) by Francis Ford Coppola . This surreal, hallucinatory account of the Vietnam War is based loosely on Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness . It follows a U.S. captain on his mission to assassinate a rebel officer, played by Marlon Brando, conducting his own independent war in the heart of the jungle“…...

The total onslaught against civil society in South Africa is based on politics.
It is a revolution of classism ideals based on socialism.
The ruling class were all taken out of their own depth and placed in another aristocratic league in society. Hence, affirmative action, BEE and racial equity.
They have outclassed their own capabilities and are headed for destruction.
They tend to blame their failures on Apartheid, which, unfortunately died 14 years ago in 1994.
South Africa is soon to be plunged into tribal strife which has plagued African tribes since eternity.
The lead up to the ANC NEC conference in Polokwane in December 2007 bore testimony of the future of politics in this country.
The Xhosa’s were the forerunners of this young democracy, but they failed to achieve because this decade will see the Zulu’s taking over the political arena with the arrogance and corruption of their members in parliament and State in general.
Because of their BEE and equity drives they have turned willing allies into foes.
The next decade will experience the political power in the hands of the Zulu’s as the ruling party.
The Zulu people are known for their dominance amongst the black tribes of Africa, particularly the South African region, where they drove their opponents as far North as Rhodesia in the last two to three Centuries.
President Thabo Mbebi’s silent diplomacy of Robert Mugabe’s atrocities in Zimbabwe over the last decade is going to be a deciding factor of how the Zulu’s will treat the Xhosa’s in future.
Faction division and in-fighting has been the order of the day for Centuries and only the future holds the secrets to the South African Holocaust and destruction of democracy and well earned freedom.
Will the whites have any role to play in the further destruction of the economy and infrastructure of this wonderful nation?
Where non delivery has become the order of the day!
Total Mining Private industry
Whites 1,357,000 62,225 254,900
Coloureds 653,000 4,473 164,100
Asians 148,000 441 58,500
Africans 4,586,000 548,240 526,300 6,744,000 615,379 1,003,700

(C) 2007 WEC

Dummies guide to Hlophe
Article By: Rebekah Kendal
Fri, 06 Jun 2008 08:39
Trying to sway the judges of the most powerful court in the country is probably a bad idea. And when a bunch of these highly-esteemed judges lodge a complaint against you, you are going to have a tough job convincing everyone that it is them — and not you — who are obfuscating the truth. Even if you are the Cape judge president.
But Judge John Hlophe is no stranger to controversy (or to that little matter of obfuscation) and while he has always enjoyed the staunch support of the Black Lawyers Association, his (mostly fair-skinned) colleagues have, at times, questioned his actions and suitability for the role.
The general public on the other hand — yes, that's you and me — tends to get lost in the flurry of allegations and counter-allegations that orbit the gravitational system that is Judge Hlophe.
But hidden in all the 'he said, she said' nonsense is some rather important stuff, which reflects not only on the state of judiciary, but also on the state of the nation. So, in the interests of informed public debate, we've put together a timeline of accusations which highlights just how colourful Hlophe's eight-year stint in office has been.
In a case between Health Minister Manto Tshabalala-Msimang and members of the pharmaceutical industry, Hlophe was accused of unreasonably delaying his judgment on leave to appeal. The pharmaceutical industry, stalled by his refusal to render judgment either way, turned to the Supreme Court of Appeal. Days before the Supreme Court of Appeal was set to consider the case, Hlophe ruled against an appeal. This ruling was overturned by the Supreme Court of Appeal which was very critical of his behaviour and laid a complaint with the Judicial Service Commission (JSC).
Hlophe wrote a report for Chief Justice Pius Langa in which he accused the Cape Bar, and in particular Deputy Judge President Jeanette Traverso, of racism.
He also submitted a 43-page report to the minister of justice in which he accused certain white judges and leading members of the Cape Bar of racism.
Hlophe was reported to have said, in front of numerous witnesses, that he allocated a contentious Afrikaans language rights case to Judge Wilfred Thring because he knew that he would "f#*k it up" and that the trial could then be set right on appeal. Senior advocate Norman Arendse SC wrote to Chief Justice Langa about the incident. Hlophe denied the allegations and claimed that there was a smear campaign against him.
Hlophe allegedly called Cape Town attorney Joshua Greeff a "piece of white s#*t" after Greeff questioned the judgement of a black judge. Once again Hlophe denied the allegations.
The JSC was asked to consider four complaints against Hlophe.
That he took a remunerated position on the board of trustees of Oasis (an asset management company) without the required ministerial consent. Judges are paid a salary for life to ensure that they do not derive income from outside their judicial posts and therefore potentially create a conflict of interests. Hlophe claimed that he acquired permission from the previous minister of justice, the late Dullah Omar.
That as judge president he improperly granted Oasis permission to sue one of his colleagues Judge Siraj Desai for defamation, whilst on the Oasis payroll.
That he subjected a legal practitioner to a racial insult.
The he made disparaging remarks about a fellow judge to whom he had allotted a contentious case.
In 2006, the JSC was also asked to investigate a complaint that Hlophe's son had received a bursary from the Cape Town law firm Smith Tabata Buchanan Boyes (STBB), in the light that it may present a conflict of interests. One of the former partners of the firm and a university friend of Hlophe, Derek Willie, claimed that the payments came from a bursary scheme to help 'disadvantaged' students. The JSC accepted Hlophe's explanation that he did not know who was paying for his son's education.
In October 2007, the JSC reached the decision (in a divided vote with an undisclosed majority) that there was insufficient evidence to proceed with a public enquiry into the allegations.
Because Hlophe claimed a verbal agreement with Dullah Omar, there was no way of ascertaining with certainty whether or not permission was given for him to receive payments from Oasis. The JSC criticised Hlophe for his handling of the Judge Desai case, but argued that it was not an impeachable offence.
The decision divided the legal fraternity — largely along racial lines. Former Constitutional Court Judge Johann Kriegler published a scathing criticism of Hlophe and the JSC's decision in the Sunday Times and was later publicly backed by nine prominent members of the Cape Bar and academics at the University of Cape Town.
The Black Lawyers Association, however, approved of the decision and criticised Judge Kriegler for his "unsolicited attack" on Hlophe and by extension the JSC.
On 30 May 2008, 11 Constitutional Court judges lodged a complaint against Hlophe with the JSC. In the statement they released to the media they said that Hlophe had approached some of them "in an improper attempt to influence this court's pending judgment in one or more case."
The cases turned out to be none other than those involving Jacob Zuma and the French arms company Thint (Pty). The judges were careful to stress that there was no suggestion that the litigants in the case (Zuma and Thint) were aware of or instigated the action. The ANC has been quick to distance itself from the incident, with spokesperson Jessie Duarte denying that there is any relationship between Zuma and Hlophe.
The Cape Bar Council and the Law Society of South Africa expressed their "grave concern" at the complaint and urged Hlophe to take a leave of absence pending the outcome of the complaint. Somewhat unsurprisingly, the Black Lawyers Association refuted the need for Hlophe to step aside until the matter has been resolved.
The JSC has scheduled an emergency meeting for 6 June 2008 to address the complaint.

Comments by Sonny
Let’s see is justice is allowed to prevail in SA


Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Objection to Mbeki resignation rejected

Say it with a sting.....

Objection to Mbeki resignation rejected
23/09/2008 11:22 - (SA)

Phumzile 'was not pushed'

Motlanthe will be president - ANC

Mbeki fights back

Mbeki: I kept my promise

Mbeki resignation effective Thurs

How Mbeki will be replaced

Mbeki 'remains a comrade'

'The tension is palpable'

A constitutional coup d'etat

Cape Town - MPs on Tuesday overwhelmingly voted against a Freedom Front Plus motion objecting to President Thabo Mbeki's resignation.

The motion, which would have compelled the ANC to explain its decision to recall Mbeki and granted the outgoing president an opportunity to give the National Assembly his side of the story, was defeated by 299 votes to 10.

The FF Plus had called for a vote following a motion by the ANC on Monday notifying the National Assembly about Mbeki's resignation letter addressed to the Speaker Baleka Mbete.

In his letter, Mbeki said when taking office he had sworn before the entire nation that he would always promote all that would advance the Republic and oppose all that would harm it, protect and promote the rights of all South Africans, discharge his duties with all "my strength and talents to the best of my knowledge and ability, and true to the dictates of my conscience", do justice to all, and devote himself to the well-being of the Republic and all its people.

"I want to assure honourable members that the promise that I made to the millions of our people informed all my actions throughout the period that I was privileged to serve as President of this country," Mbeki said.

Parliament is due to elect Mbeki's replacement on Thursday.


Comments by Sonny

WOW, 299 votes to 10, Thabo Mbeki you really went cheap!

Where are all the 'turncoats' who you gave jobs to now!

Labels: ,

You know you're having a bad day.....

.....When your Congress NEC tells you to F*?k Off!

Say it with a sting.....

Comments by Sonny

Cowboys don't cry..... especially in front of their comrades.

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Sunday, September 21, 2008

Mbeki vat jou paai en waai

Say it with a sting.....

Sunday, September 21, 2008
Mbeki kan deur enige van dié drie vervang word

Lizel Steenkamp. Erna van Wyk

Kaapstad en Johannesburg

Pres. Thabo Mbeki kan deur mnr. Jacob Zuma, ANC-president, me. Baleka Mbete, speaker van die parlement, of mnr. Kgalema Motlanthe, adjunkpresident van die ANC, vervang word as waarnemende president.

Sou die regerende party besluit om Zuma nou al as staatshoof aan te stel, moet hy eers as ’n parlementslid ingehuldig word. Prof. Marinus Wiechers, oudhoogleraar in regte aan Unisa en grondwetkenner, sê dit sal glad nie vir die ANC moeilik wees om dit reg te kry nie.

Motlanthe is reeds in die parlement nadat hy in Mei tydens ’n sitting van die Nasionale Vergadering (NV) as parlementslid ingehuldig is. Sou Mbete aangewys word as president tot die algemene verkiesing volgende jaar plaasvind, sal sy moet bedank as lid van die NV.

Wiechers sê as Mbeki bedank, moet die adjunkpresident – me. Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka – as president waarneem. Sou Mlambo-Ngcuka ook bedank, kan Mbeki ingevolge die Grondwet self ’n waarnemende president aanwys. Dié persoon moet ’n kabinetslid wees. Indien Mbeki nie iemand aanwys nie, moet die ministers iemand uit eie geledere kies.

“Sou hulle weier om dit te doen – waarskynlik omdat hulle te bang is – moet die speaker (Mbete) as president waarneem,” sê Wiechers.

Die Grondwet bepaal die NV moet binne 30 dae nadat Mbeki sy pos ontruim het ’n nuwe president met ’n meerderheidstem aanwys. Só kan die ANC danksy sy twee-derde-meerderheid in die NV dan vir Mbete, Zuma of Motlanthe as staatshoof kies.

Mnr. Gwede Mantashe, sekretaris-generaal van die ANC, het gister gesê Mbeki is nog die president totdat hy amptelik bedank. Dit is dus nie asof Suid-Afrika nou sonder ’n staatshoof sit nie.

Maar hoe, by wie en wanneer hy dié bedanking gaan indien, is nog nie duidelik nie. Die parlement, wat hom verkies het en tans in reses is, moet so gou moontlik byeengeroep word om die proses in werking te stel.

Die ANC het dit duidelik gemaak ’n vroeë verkiesing gaan nié uitgeroep word nie en dat die regering intussen ongestoord moet voortgaan om stabiliteit te verseker.

Mantashe het gesê die leierskorps van die ANC sal die ministers, premiers en LUR’e vra om in hul poste aan te bly.


Kommentaar deur Sonny

Wat jy saai sal jy maai!
Posted by Sonny Cox at 12:38 PM 0 comments Links to this post
Labels: Mbeki totsiens.


Friday, September 19, 2008

ANC plan to topple Mbeki

Say it with a sting.....


The African National Congress (ANC) plan to remove President Thabo Mbeki from office is carefully crafted to ensure that his departure will not lead to an early election.

Insiders in the party are saying that although it is now imperative for the ANC to get rid of Mbeki, it must be done in a way that will not force the party to go the polls prematurely, as this will throw its planning into disarray.

The plan is to replace Mbeki with parliamentary speaker and ANC chairperson Baleka Mbete, but this will not be done through a parliamentary vote of no-confidence or by impeachment.

Instead, all stops will be pulled out to get Mbeki to step down voluntarily and avoid a public battle. Mbeki indicated to his Cabinet this week that he will not defy the ANC's leadership if they tell him to go.

A senior ANC member confirmed to the Mail & Guardian that Mbeki had told his Cabinet colleagues that he was prepared to step down.

"I think he did that because he believes that no one in the ANC leadership will have the guts to approach him. He is still under the impression that people are afraid of him. But we will send a delegation, which will include ANC secretary general Gwede Mantashe, to inform him about the national executive committee's [NEC] decision," the source said.

The NEC is to make a final decision when it meets on Friday. However, it is understood that the committee's core leadership, the national working committee (NWC), decided at a meeting on Monday to recommend Mbeki's removal as president.

It is understood that ANC leaders will engage premiers and Cabinet ministers who might resign in solidarity with Mbeki, asking them to remain in their positions and avoid a full-scale exodus, which could damage the government.

Pressure tactics
After the NEC's decision, the intention is to send a high-ranking delegation to ask Mbeki to do "the honourable thing" by stepping down and avoiding the embarrassment of being ousted by a motion of no-confidence.

The NWC met in Johannesburg on Monday, after last week's damning judgement by Judge Chris Nicholson, which implicated Mbeki in a political conspiracy to thwart ANC president Jacob Zuma's presidential ambitions.

A series of meetings between Mbeki, his Cabinet and ANC leaders took place this week to deal with Mbeki's future and the fallout from the judgement.

In addition, all ANC provincial executives are understood to have met this week to formulate their positions. KwaZulu-Natal resolved that Mbeki must go.

A highly placed ANC source who attended the NWC meeting told the M&G this week the party's top brass had unanimously agreed that Mbeki should be removed before his term ends next year.

Final nail
This marks a major shift in the party's initial position that he should serve until his term comes to an end, despite calls by its alliance partners for him to be recalled.

"Nicholson's judgement was a final nail in the coffin for Mbeki," said the ANC source. "Everyone in the meeting agreed he has to go now. The first step will be to ask him to resign voluntarily."

In a statement this week, Mbeki and his Cabinet said Nicholson's inference that there was political interference in the NPA's prosecuting decisions was "untested" and "untrue, unfounded and [did] not hold water".

The M&G understands that the ANC's top officials, including Zuma, ANC deputy president Kgalema Motlanthe and Mantashe, were due to meet Mbeki at his official residence in Pretoria on Wednesday to explain the NWC's decision and get his side of the story.

Mbeki is said to have been away at his farm in KwaZulu-Natal and the meeting was postponed to Thursday. By the time of going to press it had not taken place.

Said another senior ANC member: "The officials wanted to hear his side of the story and talk to him about the way forward and the process that can be followed. They will then be able to tell the NEC what they've agreed on."

Speaker Mbete has been suggested as the caretaker president because Zuma does not want to be seen as toppling Mbeki for his own gain.

"Zuma can't get in now. He must first be voted in by the people. But what is clear is that we don't want [Deputy President] Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka as acting president. She's worse than Mbeki."

A suggestion by one member of the NWC that Mlambo-Ngcuka should serve as acting president in Mbeki's place was apparently shot down by most NWC members, especially the women.

Some within the NWC also suggested that she be removed from her position as deputy president, but the matter was left for the NEC to decide.

Motlanthe, who was appointed to Cabinet recently to bridge the divide between Luthuli House and the Union Buildings, was also unlikely to take over as an interim president, as he is viewed with suspicion by the Zuma camp.

"The ANC's deployment committee will have to deal with the issue of who becomes the interim president," said a senior ANC leader.

Spirit of vengeance
Although the ANC majority clearly supports the removal of Mbeki, the decision to sack him will not come without a fight, especially from those who supported his re-election as ANC president.

A senior ANC provincial leader sympathetic to Mbeki said the decision to force him to step down was fuelled by the spirit of vengeance. "They have been looking for this thing for a long time."

Mbeki's supporters insist that his removal will fracture the ANC even further. They predict that Cabinet ministers will resign in solidarity with him, disrupting government to the detriment of the ANC before national elections.

"If he goes, most of Cabinet will go with him. They won't stay," one of Mbeki's advisers said. "This is an internal thing. They are forgetting that electoral politics is different. It is the image of the ANC that will lose. You can't just wish him away," the adviser said.

ANC chief whip Nathi Mthetwa told the M&G that he had raised the issue of firing Mbeki in City Press at the weekend as an "individual view".

He refused to comment further, saying the NWC had met and discussed the issue and a final decision would be made by the NEC.

"I will go there [to the NEC meeting] armed with what I've got; someone else will bring their own armament. I'm speaking metaphorically," he said.

He would not venture an opinion on the outcome of the NEC meeting, but said "[after the NEC] there will be no basis for retraction of my statement".

The parliamentary route for the removal of a sitting president is set out in sections 89 and 102 of the Constitution.

These clauses allow for the president to be impeached by a two-thirds majority or to be removed in a vote of no-confidence by a simple majority.

For the first option the ANC may need the help of opposition parties including the Democratic Alliance and Independent Democrats, which have both called on Mbeki to step down.

The M&G could not confirm rumours that some of Mbeki's supporters are considering forming their own party if he is hounded out of the ANC.



Comments by Sonny

Mbeki will not rule SA until Jesus returns to this Earth.

Instead he will be betrayed by his brothers and banished to the land of Cain before the end of this year....


The Fence

Say it with a sting.....

August 1942. Piotrkow, Poland.

The sky was gloomy that morning as we waited anxiously. All the men,
women and children of Piotrkow's Jewish ghetto had been herded into a

Word had gotten around that we were being moved. My father had only
recently died from typhus, which had run rampant through the crowded
ghetto. My greatest fear was that our family would be separated.

'Whatever you do,' Isidore, my eldest brother, whispered to me, 'don't
tell them your age. Say you're sixteen.

'I was tall for a boy of 11, so I could pull it off. That way I might be
deemed valuable as a worker.

An SS man approached me, boots clicking against the cobblestones. He
looked me up and down, and then asked my age.

'Sixteen,' I said. He directed me to the left, where my three brothers
and other healthy young men already stood.

My mother was motioned to the right with the other women, children, sick
and elderly people.

I whispered to Isidore, 'Why?'

He didn't answer.

I ran to Mama's side and said I wanted to stay with her.

'No, 'she said sternly.

'Get away. Don't be a nuisance. Go with your brothers.'

She had never spoken so harshly before. But I understood: She was
protecting me She loved me so much that, just this once, she pretended
not to. It was the last I ever saw of her.

My brothers and I were transported in a cattle car to Germany.

We arrived at the Buchenwald concentration camp one night weeks later
and were led into a crowded barrack. The next day, we were issued
uniforms and identification numbers.

'Don't call me Herman anymore.' I said to my brothers. 'Call me 94983.'

I was put to work in the camp's crematorium, loading the dead into a
hand-cranked elevator.

I, too, felt dead. Hardened, I had become a number.

Soon, my brothers and I were sent to Schlieben, one of Buchenwald's
sub-camps near Berlin.

One morning I thought I heard my mother's voice..

'Son,' she said softly but clearly, I am going to send you an angel.'

Then I woke up. Just a dream. A beautiful dream.

But in this place there could be no angels. There was only work. And
hunger. And fear.

A couple of days later, I was walking around the camp, around the
barracks, near the barbed-wire fence where the guards could not easily
see. I was alone.

On the other side of the fence, I spotted someone: a little girl with
light, almost luminous curls. She was half-hidden behind a birch tree.

I glanced around to make sure no one saw me. I called to her softly in
German 'Do you have something to eat?'

She didn't understand.

I inched closer to the fence and repeated the question in Polish. She
stepped forward. I was thin and gaunt, with rags wrapped around my feet,
but the girl looked unafraid. In her eyes, I saw life.

She pulled an apple from her woolen jacket and threw it over the fence.

I grabbed the fruit and, as I started to run away, I heard her say
faintly, 'I'll see you tomorrow.'

I returned to the same spot by the fence at the same time every day. She
was always there with something for me to eat - a hunk of bread or,
better yet, an apple.

We didn't dare speak or linger. To be caught would mean death for us

I didn't know anything about her, just a kind farm girl, except that she
understood Polish. What was her name? Why was she risking her life for

Hope was in such short supply, and this girl on the other side of the
fence gave me some, as nourishing in its way as the bread and apples.

Nearly seven months later, my brothers and I were crammed into a coal
car and shipped to Theresienstadt camp in Czechoslovakia.

'Don't return,' I told the girl that day. 'We're leaving...'

I turned toward the barracks and didn't look back, didn't even say
good-bye to the little girl whose name I'd never learned, the girl with
the apples.

We were in Theresienstadt for three months. The war was winding down and
Allied forces were closing in, yet my fate seemed sealed.

On May 10, 1945, I was scheduled to die in the gas chamber at 10:00 AM.

In the quiet of dawn, I tried to prepare myself. So many times death
seemed ready to claim me, but somehow I'd survived. Now, it was over.

I thought of my parents. At least, I thought, we will be reunited.

But at 8 A.M. there was a commotion. I heard shouts, and saw people
running every which way through camp. I caught up with my brothers.

Russian troops had liberated the camp! The gates swung open. Everyone
was running, so I did too. Amazingly, all of my brothers had survived;

I'm not sure how. But I knew that the girl with the apples had been the
key to my survival.

In a place where evil seemed triumphant, one person's goodness had saved
my life, had given me hope in a place where there was none.

My mother had promised to send me an angel, and the angel had come.

Eventually I made my way to England where I was sponsored by a Jewish
charity, put up in a hostel with other boys who had survived the
Holocaust and trained in electronics. Then I came to America, where my
brother Sam had already moved I served in the U. S. Army during the
Korean War, and returned to New York City after two years.

By August 1957 I'd opened my own electronics repair shop.. I was
starting to settle in.

One day, my friend Sid who I knew from England called me.

'I've got a date. She's got a Polish friend. Let's double date.'

A blind date? Nah, that wasn't for me.

But Sid kept pestering me, and a few days later we headed up to the
Bronx to pick up his date and her friend Roma..

I had to admit, for a blind date this wasn't so bad. Roma was a nurse at
a Bronx hospital. She was kind and smart. Beautiful, too, with swirling
brown curls and green, almond-shaped eyes that sparkled with life.

The four of us drove out to Coney Island. Roma was easy to talk to, easy
to be with.

Turned out she was wary of blind dates too!

We were both just doing our friends a favor. We took a stroll on the
boardwalk, enjoying the salty Atlantic breeze, and then had dinner by
the shore. I couldn't remember having a better time.

We piled back into Sid's car, Roma and I sharing the backseat.

As European Jews who had survived the war, we were aware that much had
been left unsaid between us. She broached the subject, 'Where were you,'
she asked softly, 'during the war?'

'The camps,' I said. The terrible memories still vivid, the irreparable
loss. I had tried to forget. But you can never forget.

She nodded. 'My family was hiding on a farm in Germany, not far from
Berlin,' she told me. 'My father knew a priest, and he got us Aryan

I imagined how she must have suffered too, fear, a constant companion.
And yet here we were both survivors, in a new world.

'There was a camp next to the farm.' Roma continued. 'I saw a boy there
and I would throw him apples every day.'

What an amazing coincidence that she had helped some other boy. 'What
did he look like? I asked.

'He was tall, skinny, and hungry. I must have seen him every day for six

My heart was racing. I couldn't believe it.

This couldn't be.

'Did he tell you one day not to come back because he was leaving

Roma looked at me in amazement. 'Yes!'

'That was me!'

I was ready to burst with joy and awe, flooded with emotions. I couldn't
believe it! My angel.

'I'm not letting you go.' I said to Roma. And in the back of the car on
that blind date, I proposed to her. I didn't want to wait.

'You're crazy!' she said. But she invited me to meet her parents for
Shabbat dinner the following week.

There was so much I looked forward to learning about Roma, but the most
important things I always knew: her steadfastness, her goodness. For
many months, in the worst of circumstances, she had come to the fence
and given me hope. Now that I'd found her again, I could never let her

That day, she said yes. And I kept my word. After nearly 50 years of
marriage, two children and three grandchildren, I have never let her go.

Herman Rosenblat of Miami Beach, Florida

This story is being made into a movie called The Fence.

Join us and be a link in the memorial chain and help us distribute it
around the world.


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Comments by Sonny

What a touching story of despair and finally belonging.


Monday, September 15, 2008

Human trafficking expands in KZN

Say it with a sting.....

Barbara Cole September 15 2008 at 11:38AM

Human trafficking is big in KwaZulu-Natal - and it is getting bigger, a workshop on the topic has heard.And, just as in the rest of South Africa, it largely takes the form of sexual exploitation.There are girls and women working in brothels who have been lured into the province and the country on the pretext of bettering their lives, furthering their education or working in restaurants.They find themselves in a strange country or province (there is inter-provincial trafficking) with no family or friends to turn to, often do not know the language, do not know how to get home and cannot escape from their trafficker because they owe him money for their transportation and accommodation.

And they cannot go home because their passports have been taken from them. Belief The Daily News has learned of several cases in this province of girls from other countries - Mozambique and Thailand - some enticed here by the mistaken belief they would be working in restaurants.Thai girls have been "partially deceived" about what life in KwaZulu-Natal and the country holds in store for them.Already sex workers, they have been told they will earn more money in South Africa.But when they get here, they find they can only work for themselves after they have paid back the trafficker.The workshop heard about one case where a girl had almost paid back her trafficker, only to find she was then sold to another trafficker."They are regarded as property," said Mia Immelback, of the International Organisation for Migration (IOM), who is helping the Southern African Counter-Trafficking Assistance Programme.The workshop on trafficking was organised by the South African government in partnership with the IOM.Immelback said a victim of human trafficking - described as "modern-day slavery" - was forced to sleep with hundreds of men and not allowed to use protection.There was a big demand for Thai girls - particularly in this province, sources said - as they were considered "exotic" by their clients.The victims of human trafficking have been able to get into the country with the cooperation of corrupt immigration and police officials, who have taken bribes to turn a blind eye.Advocate Amanda Ledwaba, the director of investigations in the Department of Home Affairs, told the workshop that 90% of the illegal border crossings into the country, whether they involved human trafficking or smuggling, took place with the connivance of officials and police.It is difficult to get the precise number of victims, because many are deported when police carry out raids and discover the girls have false papers.Many victims do not realise they have been trafficked - and not every girl knows that she can turn to the IOM for help.The National Prosecuting Authority is planning to set up a task team in the province to, among other things, inform police and other stakeholders that if they find a victim they should refer her to the IOM.Trafficking is a highly lucrative business (worldwide, it is thought to be worth $7 billion-$13 billion, or R58 billion to R100 billion a year). Traffickers also try to adapt their methods to keep ahead of the law. Some traffickers, especially those bringing in Thai women, do not use Durban International Airport because they know that they will be traced. They bring them in via Johannesburg's OR Tambo Airport and transport the girls into the region by road.New South African legislation will make it easier to prosecute the traffickers - and the people who transport them to their ultimate destination.Ledwaba said if the Trafficking in Human Persons Act was not introduced before the 2010 Fifa Soccer World Cup, there would be a "disaster."Sex workers from all over the world would be heading to South Africa and human traffickers who brought them in would manipulate them, she said.Organs Ledwaba said later that it was hoped to bring in the legislation by December, 2009.Mozambique introduced legislation earlier this year enabling the authorities to prosecute traffickers.Victims are also trafficked for their organs for muthi, for forced labour on farms and factories, and for domestic work.There are various human trafficking routes into South Africa - and out of it, too.One route involves South African nationals with links to the SA sex industry and Triad groups who recruit women in strip clubs and falsely offer them high-paying jobs in Asia where they sign contracts in Chinese. They often experience death threats.Often traffickers - described as "very dangerous" - are known to the victim and trusted.And the difference between trafficking and smuggling? Trafficking is a crime against the individual, while smuggling of migrants is a crime against the state.Trafficking has to have three elements: recruitment, transportation and exploitation.

The toll free number for the IOM is 0800 555 999.

This article was originally published on page 5 of Daily News on September 15, 2008

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Top Durban attorney murder suspects shot dead

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September 15, 2008, 10:30
Two suspects in the triple murder of the Sham family, have been shot dead in Durban, police said today. Superintendent Jay Naicker said it was clear "both men were prepared to die rather than hear their fate in a court of law".Top Durban attorney 56-year-old Naren Sham, his wife Meera, and their son Kavir, 20, were found killed in their home on September 5. Durban organised crime unit police arrested two suspects separately yesterday.One suspect was arrested in Umlazi yesterday morning, while the second was arrested in Umgeni Road later in the day. During questioning, Ishmael Sandile Kinglock agreed to point out exhibits and while doing so pulled out a 9mm pistol and opened fire on police, said Naicker. Police returned fire, fatally wounding 28-year-old Kinglock, a former employee of Naren Sham.At 5pm, the second suspect Musa Qwabe, 28, was arrested. Naicker said the man was taken to the Sham family home to "conduct a pointing out of the crime scene... when he grabbed hold of the firearm" of one of the policemen. There was a struggle for possession of the firearm in which Qwabe was shot. "The boldness of both men is clear... from their actions yesterday as well as on the night of the murders," said Naicker. "We are glad that none of our officers was injured". -


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Cops still out on appeal bail instead of prison

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Police: Three police officers arrested for allegedly stealing millions from robbery suspects
Captain Ravichandarn “Tony” Naidoo, and Inspectors William Kgathi and Sathisagren “Dean” Govender of the Johannesburg Serious and Violent Crimes Unit have been arrested and their assets face seizure by the Asset Forfeiture Unit (AFU). Gill Gifford and Bridgeti Sekati report that the trio has been charged with theft, assault and defeating the ends of justice, as they allegedly “took property – mostly cash and jewellery – from suspects they were investigating.” The arrest is a culmination of investigation launched two months ago by the Fedisa Provincial Task Team – a special unit targeting cash-in transit and bank robbers. Full Article in Cape Times (16 November 2004)

Comments by Sonny

These criminals are still out on Appeal Bail, waiting for their convictions to be 'wished away!'

What a waste of tax payers money.

What an insult to Justice.


Sunday, September 14, 2008

Thanks for pushing the boundaries

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Published:Sep 13, 2008
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View Zapiro’s cartoon gallery
AUDIO: Zapiro cartoon saga
The Great Zapiro Debate...
We salute you for challenging this current regime, which seems to believe that the country is there for its benefit, and not the other way round.
View Zapiro’s cartoon gallery
AUDIO: Zapiro cartoon saga
I would personally like to thank the ANC, the ANC Youth League, Cosatu, the SACP and our possible future president, Jacob Zuma, for pointing out that their intention was not to urinate on the justice system, but to rape it.
I would like to submit that a man forcing himself on a less-willing woman is still rape by definition, but can’t be associated with the thug-assisted violation of Lady Justice in the cartoon.
However, I must add that their bullish reaction to the cartoon has led me to think that the cartoon could be repeated, but with a child representing our young democracy in the place of the justice system.
I personally believe that Zapiro is an artist, and that his work can be interpreted in many ways.
I would like to thank him for pushing boundaries and challenging our thinking with his views. — Bruno, by e-mail
Hairy43 said at Sep 14 2008 1:11AM
Excellent cartoon I thought.
Tackler said at Sep 14 2008 7:55AM
Outstanding cartoon! It depicts the savage loutishness of the participants perfectly.
vincersa said at Sep 14 2008 8:01AM
Thanks for pushing the boundaries:-The rape cartoon must be one of the most thought provoking items ever published worldwide and therefore a TOTAL success.It will however sadly not reach the eyes or consciences of the vast majority of the nation and even those that it does, imbued with only strong tribal understandings and extremely little education as to how DEMOCRACY is meant to function in a "checks and balances manner" will not see it in this way nor have the reasoning capability to give it fair evaluation.Remember, African Democracy is a far cry from what westerners have been educated to strive for!It is more a 'tool' to cloak themselves in compliance for acceptancy of massive donor funds which the "chief winner takes all" then controls absolutely. Beware anyone who tries to alter this livelyhood. (In a way similar to a tool used to rape)As for "rape", our country being the worst offender of this henious human throwback to primacy now receives the loudest condemnation from the very parties that carry the majority of the nation with the majority of the very rapists, by deduction, inclusive in the ranks.Judging by the reports from within the countries prisons, it is an even greater threat on the males, and probably the cause of why so much of the male population across the continent appear to turn to this form of activity throughout their lives. Of course never in Zimbabwe or Moçambique or other african countries with leaders that violently apply the death sentence!Zapiro would have had a one way ticket to the great Spirit in the Sky if he had depicted a boy or child in place of the woman.
Hank5 said at Sep 14 2008 9:46AM
In his follow-up cartoon at least Zuma declares his utter respect for the lady....
Mugabe_is_sacred said at Sep 14 2008 9:59AM
The comment has been removed pending further investigation.

Mugabe_is_sacred said at Sep 14 2008 10:02AM
The African people freed themselves and elected this government and therefore it cannot be called the current regime since it represents the will of the people.Portraying the leadership of this country elected by the people as trying to rape a lady justice can only come from a pink "white" man because of their centuries of evil against the African people.The African people which elected this government and love it deeply view zapiro cartoon as the same evil agenda against the African people and therefore reject it.We do not care about the evil feeling of people who for centuries only lived to hurt the African people. Now that we are free we will never, i say never allow an oppressor to rule over us. And you can put your money on this. This country will be driven based on the will of the people and all sort of vilification will meet a crashing response.The ANC must take steps to pacify the media in this country witch is still controlled by the same pink “white” minority which has a history of evil against the African people, therefore it is like their culture to vilify and trouble the African people.

Comments by Sonny

The SACP, ANCYL, Cosatu can call for people to be killed and eliminated, no sweat.

But a cartoon pisses them off?

Big problemo!

Who are the 'counter-revolutionaries, actually?'


Circumcision victim takes to the hills

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Mbalula flees circumcision
Philani Nombembe and Buyekezwa Makwabe

Published:Sep 13, 2008

Controversial ANC bigwig Fikile Mbalula put up a desperate fight when he discovered he was about to be circumcised last week.
Mbalula made for the hills, even managing to flag down a taxi to make his escape. But he eventually decided to stay, after talking to a traditional surgeon.
The surgeon, 73-year-old Ruben Nqabeni, said former ANC chief whip Tony Yengeni phoned him last Saturday to say “they had a problem” and they needed help.
Yengeni apparently drove to the traditional surgeon’s house in Guguletu, near Cape Town, that afternoon with an unsuspecting Mbalula, 36, — with ANC provincial secretary Mcebisi Skwatsha following in his car.
Yengeni left Mbalula, in the car while he discussed circumcising Mbalula with Nqabeni. Yengeni said Mbalula was willing to go through with the ritual, but kept on postponing it.
“Then Mbalula walked into the house and asked what was happening. I jokingly asked him when was he going to undergo the ritual and he replied in December. I said: ‘But you’re so old’. And we all laughed,” said Nqabeni.
Matters turned more serious when Mbalula, who was due to fly home to Johannesburg later that day, was informed he was going to the bush. He made a run for it.
Nqabeni said Mbalula managed to flag down a taxi in an attempt to escape, but was eventually persuaded to stay.
A special hut was built for Mbalula to keep prying eyes away and several bodyguards had been deployed to keep watch, Nqabeni confirmed.
Family spokesman Zizi Kodwa denied Mbalula had been duped into “becoming a man”.
He claimed Mbalula had been willing to undergo the ritual for the past four years.
He said Mbalula had expressed an interest in being circumcised when he had been deployed to the Western Cape last month along with Mpumalanga provincial MEC Dina Pule to unite the ANC’s warring factions.
“As a boy going to the mountain, he wouldn’t know what to do, there are things that need to be done. He obviously had spoken to a number of people in the Western Cape that may include (Yengeni and Skwatsha) but it is not them who facilitated everything. They could have been part of the people who handled it,” he said.
ANC heavyweight Mnyamezeli Booi said chiefs from the amaMpondomise — Mbalula’s clan — had sent a delegation to visit him.
Nqabeni said he had been circumcising initiates for more than 40 years — many of whom had gone on to become politicians. These include Yengeni and,
now, Mbalula.
“I have to take care of him myself because he is not an ordinary initiate,” said Nqabeni.
Chief Ngangomhlaba Matanzima, chairman of the house of traditional leaders of the Eastern Cape said circumcision was a rite of passage that no one should avoid for the sake of their families and children.
“Circumcision is not only about the operation by the surgeon. It goes with the teachings one receives while there,” he said.
Matanzima said he commended those who decide to undergo the ritual “however old he might be”.
He said in traditional royal houses, uncircumcised men may not assume leadership roles and may not even take a wife.
“I do not know how it works in the political circles,” he said.
Yengeni and Skwatsha could not be reached for comment.

Comments by Sonny

The young comrades in the ANCYL are brave with their calls for 'war and killings' but take to the hills when called upon to be circumcised.
Are they afraid of the sight of their own blood or the pain of the circumcision?

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Saturday, September 13, 2008

Quiet Diplomacy victory deferred

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'Quiet diplomacy vindicated'

13/09/2008 12:43 - (SA)
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MDC to control police
Odinga welcomes Zim accord
'It's too early to celebrate'
Equal power for Zim leaders
Mbeki basks in praise over Zim
MDC: Some unhappy with deal
Zim deal a victory for Africa
Tsvangirai confirms Zim deal
Harare - The power-sharing deal this week between Zimbabwe's main political rivals vindicates South African President Thabo Mbeki who was criticised for his "quiet diplomacy," a state daily said on Saturday.
"It is providential that today, President Mbeki stands vindicated and all those who opposed and badmouthed him over Zimbabwe should hang their heads in shame," The Herald newspaper said in an editorial.
"The power-sharing deal he brokered between Zanu-PF and the MDC is as much a personal tribute as it is a triumph for Zimbabwe, Africa and the entire developing world," it said, referring to the agreement between the party of President Robert Mugabe and the Movement for Democratic Change of opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai.
Mbeki was tasked by the Southern African Development Community (SADC) with mediating talks between Zimbabwe's three main political rivals aimed at resolving a long-simmering political crisis.
On Thursday Mugabe, Tsvangirai and Arthur Mutambara who heads an MDC splinter faction endorsed an agreement to forge an all-inclusive government.
They are to officially sign the deal on Monday at a ceremony in Harare to be attended by regional leaders.
Mbeki came under attack mostly from western countries for what they termed his "quiet diplomacy," in refusing to openly criticise Mugabe for his policies.
But the Herald likened Mbeki to the biblical good neighbour and hailed the deal as "a celebration of African solutions to African problems."
"It...should be a wake-up call for African leaders to believe in themselves and not always look outside for solutions," the paper said.
"We hope our brothers to our west will learn from President Mbeki's maturity and statesmanship and drop, like a plague, their policy of western appeasement."
But for the press in neighbouring South Africa, the power-sharing deal has been overshadowed by a court ruling Friday throwing out a corruption case against ruling ANC party chief Jacob Zuma, opening the way for him to become that country's next president


Comments by Sonny

How many innocent Zimbabweans had to die until now?

If only Mbeki spend more time on his own problems.

Where did all this leave SA?

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The Political Rainbow

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The political climate in South Africa after judgment
The things that can be learnt from Judge Chris Nicholson’s judgment on Friday 12 September 2008 are nothing new.
President Thabo Mbeki, the lame duck, had been a dictator for his last two terms in office.
He lacks judgment and has tunnel vision.
He is too busy hosting his friends in Africa than address injustices at home.
He has been a token president and Nelson Mandela should have been succeeded by the late Chris Hani.
He has unconstitutionally been leading this Country to disaster for the last eight years.
He refuses to listen to sound advice and is headstrong.
He suffers from low self esteem and should have approached Manto Tshabalala-Msimang a long time ago for treatment and extended leave to sort out his personal problems at home.
His body has a chemical imbalance caused by the intake of unsubscribed medication imported from Scotland.
There are three serious case scenarios which he could not address in his last term of office. They are: Nguka, The Scorpions and Pikoli,
He should have stayed out of the Jackie Selebi investigation where his true colours came to the fore.
Mbeki should have been impeached at the time he sacked Zuma for his part in the ’Arms Deal.’
He was just as corrupt as Zuma, Shaik, Nygeni, Manuel and all the others during the ‘Arms Deal.’
Mbeki should go down as “The black sheep in the ANC family!”
He should be ‘Black Labelled’ for his part in non-delivery!

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Friday, September 12, 2008

The recent past week

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Citizen Alert ZA
Without fear or favour.
Friday, September 12, 2008

Castro gets Ubuntu award

11/09/2008 17:43 - (SA)

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Johannesburg - The third recipient of the Ubuntu Award is former president of Cuba Fidel Castro, the National Heritage Council of South Africa (NHCSA) announced on Thursday."Unfortunately, Castro will not be able to receive the award in person because of his health condition, but Cuba will send an official to receive it on his behalf," said the NHCSA's Faith Moremong.Castro, 72, was the president of Cuba and commander of the armed forces of the Cuban revolution until he retired in February this year.The NHCSA is honouring him for his role in the Cuban revolution and his worldwide contribution to the struggle for an alternative, just and humane society.The Ubuntu Award recognises people who have consistently lived the humanitarian values of the African philosophy of Ubuntu.The first and second awards were received by former South African President Nelson Mandela and former Zambian President Kenneth Kaunda respectively.Castro's award will be made at a ceremony at the Mapungubwe National Park, north of Limpopo, on September 24, 2008.
Comment by Sonny
The next recipient to receive this award will be Bob Mugabe the despot.
Posted by Sonny Cox at 10:14 AM 0 comments Links to this post
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Ngcuka blamed for Zuma situation
11/09/2008 20:15 - (SA) Want to know more?Answerit can help.'Enough is enough'ANC plans own Zuma court bidSA waits for Zuma rulingANCYL planning huge JZ bashReject Zuma deal, urges ZilleANCYL will 'eliminate' Zuma foesCape Town - ANC president Jacob Zuma is in the position he is today because of the "special treatment" he received from former national director of public prosecutions Bulelani Ngcuka, Western Cape academic Pierre de Vos said on Thursday.Those who suggested Zuma's rights were being breached forgot this, the University of the Western Cape constitutional law and human rights law professor told the Cape Town Press Club."There was a clear case against Mr Zuma. That is why his co-conspirator Mr [Schabir] Shaik was actually charged and convicted," De Vos said."Mr Zuma, however, was not charged and convicted. This was a special favour for Mr Zuma, not an infringement of his rights."At that point; whether now, eight years later, there has been an infringement... the court must decide on that."But, people forget the reason why we are in this mess at the moment is because Mr Ngcuka, probably with the acquiescence, although I have no evidence for this, of the minister of justice, made the decision to have this harmonic solution of not charging Mr Zuma in the hope that he would go away. Instead of going away, he grew bigger."So Mr Zuma is the creation of 11/09/2008 20:15 - (SA) Want to know more?Answerit can help.

;'Enough is enough'ANC plans own Zuma court bidSA waits for Zuma rulingANCYL planning huge JZ bashReject Zuma deal, urges ZilleANCYL will 'eliminate' Zuma foesDisplayDCAd('220x120','1','');Cape Town - ANC president Jacob Zuma is in the position he is today because of the "special treatment" he received from former national director of public prosecutions Bulelani Ngcuka, Western Cape academic Pierre de Vos said on Thursday.Those who suggested Zuma's rights were being breached forgot this, the University of the Western Cape constitutional law and human rights law professor told the Cape Town Press Club."There was a clear case against Mr Zuma. That is why his co-conspirator Mr [Schabir] Shaik was actually charged and convicted," De Vos said."Mr Zuma, however, was not charged and convicted. This was a special favour for Mr Zuma, not an infringement of his rights."At that point; whether now, eight years later, there has been an infringement... the court must decide on that."But, people forget the reason why we are in this mess at the moment is because Mr Ngcuka, probably with the acquiescence, although I have no evidence for this, of the minister of justice, made the decision to have this harmonic solution of not charging Mr Zuma in the hope that he would go away. Instead of going away, he grew bigger."So Mr Zuma is the creation of Bulelani Ngcuka and of the President of South Africa himself [Thabo Mbeki]."Without that kind of cynical behaviour on their behalf... we wouldn't have been in the position we are in today," De Vos said.ANC national working committeeThe present crisis and attacks on the judiciary could be traced back to the ANC national working committee's (NWC) decision that Zuma would be the country's next president.The courts were in an invidious position because the majority party had decided on one course of action.The reason the ANC Youth League and others were making radical statements in support of Zuma was not because of a particular liking for him."The reason can be traced back to the ANC NWC decision that Zuma will be the ANC's presidential candidate."And I think, the undermining of the independence of the judiciary started there," he said.The NWC effectively said that no matter what the court decided, "our man will become the president".Trying 'to intimidate judges'"In other words, by that decision, they are trying to intimidate the judges into making certain decisions."It was necessary for the ANC to discipline its members who were not showing respect for the independence of the judiciary.That should be done, not just through "nice" speeches, but through concrete action."If there's no action taken internally against members of the ANC who flagrantly disrespect the independence of the judiciary, and try to intimidate judges, then the ANC should be held to account, not those individual members."And I think more should be said about the ANC leadership as a collective, and why they are so silent about these matters, and whether the silence doesn't have something to do with their careers and their pay cheques," De Vos said.Comments by SonnyThabo Mbeki was responsible for allowing the political assassination of Chris Hani, Bulelani Ngcuka, Vusi Pikoli, Scorpions and possibly Jacob Zuma.If he was a proper role player, he would not have allowed all the grief to happen without' righting all the wrongs!'He should apologise to those concerned for then way he treated his own 'comrades' while in office.
Posted by Sonny Cox at 9:53 AM 0 comments Links to this post
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ANC confident of Zuma ruling

ANC confident of Zuma ruling
12/09/2008 08:55 - (SA)
Want to know more?Answerit can help or watch the news at 1pm..

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Hundreds toyi-toyi ahead of Zuma rulingZuma vigil off to slow, wet startNgcuka blamed for Zuma situationANC plans own Zuma court bidSA waits for Zuma rulingTwo arrested at Zuma protestPietermaritzburg - The African National Congress (ANC) expressed confidence on Friday that the Pietermaritzburg High Court would rule that the decision to prosecute its president Jacob Zuma was unlawful."It's been eight years now and a child has already been born and gone to school. This is not a game we are playing. It's about a man's life," said ANC spokesperson Jessie Duarte."We would like to move on now. We are not going to ask Mr Zuma to withdraw his candidacy for the election... because he didn't take the decision on his own... the decision was taken at Polokwane by the ANC," she told reporters in Pietermaritzburg.She reiterated that, in the ANC's eyes, Zuma was innocent and that the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) did not act legally. "Our hopes are high that the charges would be thrown out."Meanwhile, thousands of supporters were singing and toyi-toying outside the court where Judge Chris Nicholson will deliver his judgment on an application to declare unlawful the decision to prosecute Zuma on corruption and other charges.The police said they had prepared for a crowd of 15 000.Superintendent Henry Budhram said there had been no incidents of violence during the Thursday night vigil.Close watchEarlier this week, a march by Zuma supporters turned violent in Durban and two people were arrested on charges of public violence."We have policemen from all over the province, particularly those stationed in Pietermaritzburg here to ensure a peaceful protest. So far, we didn't see any protesters carrying sticks or any other weapons," said Budhram.ANC leaders started arriving outside the court alongside supporters, some carrying umbrellas to protect themselves against a light drizzle.Television camera crews, photographers and journalists were setting up shop, watching a group of Zuma supporters toyi-toying and singing.Heavily-armed police were keeping a close watch and roads around the court had been closed.Traders throughout the square were seen with their skottles braaing and selling boerewors, saying they needed an early start to make money.The ANC Youth League earlier this week said they had planned a "huge party" because they were convinced that corruption and other charges against Zuma would be dropped.Zuma faces a charge each of racketeering and money laundering, two charges of corruption and 12 charges of fraud related to the multi-billion rand government arms deal.He was charged in 2005, but that case was struck from the roll in 2006. He was re-charged in December 2007.A charge of racketeering and two counts of corruption are also faced by two Thint companies - Thint Holding (Southern Africa) Pty Ltd and Thint (Pty) Ltd - the South African subsidiaries of the French arms manufacturer Thales International (formerly Thomson-CFS).Are you in Pietermaritzburg? Send your photos from the scene to photos@news24.com.
Comments by Sonny Cox
The only thing unlawful here, was Jesse Daute's drivers license.
Jacob Zuma and his croneys must all walk the plank!
Posted by Sonny Cox at 9:37 AM 0 comments Links to this post
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Thursday, September 11, 2008

Zuma vigil off to slow, wet start

September 11 2008 at 08:31PM
by Giordano Stolley and Miranda Andrew
The planned night vigil for African National Congress (ANC) president Jacob Zuma got off to a slow and wet start with fewer than 500 supporters braving the cold in Pietermaritzburg's Freedom Square on Thursday night.As a small but ardent group of supporters danced to the music of a rhythmic Zuma-supporting band in Freedom Square, opposite the High Court by 7pm, media crews were frantically setting up their equipment ahead of Judge Chris Nicholson's ruling.On Friday morning Nicholson will deliver his ruling on Zuma's application to have the decision by the Scorpions to charge him declared unlawful.'Our spirit is not dampened by the rain'Police could be seen at different corners, some sitting in vans, as the high-spirited supporters, some carrying umbrellas, sang and danced."Our spirit is not dampened by the rain," said Jane Masinga cheerfully as she danced."We live and die for Jacob Zuma."Other supporters could be seen holding a cup of coffee in one hand and raising the other as they chanted.Dozens more, clad in brightly-coloured Zuma T-shirts, had started fires in tents they had erected to keep warm.'I'm selling mutton curry for R25 which is a big discount'As night approached, some people were seen participating in a dancing competition. Vendors with boxes of T-shirts, caps and other clothing covered their boxes and joined in the song and dance.Elizabeth Buthelezi, a hawker selling chips, curries and hotdogs, said she was Jacob Zuma's "greatest supporter".She said she decided to sell food to Zuma supporters because she expected hundreds to be there."I'm selling mutton curry for R25 which is a big discount. It usually goes for more than R30. The only reason why it was discounted is because these are my brother and sisters," she said.She said she would stay in the square the whole night despite the rain. Another trader, Doreen Shozi, selling fruits and coffee said she could not miss Zuma's appearance."We are here for Msholozi because we care deeply for him. Whether in rain or shine, nothing can stop us from being here."Police spokesperson Superintendent Henry Budhram said that no incidents had been reported during the early evening.Police and municipal officials were expected later in the night to erect crowd control barriers and cordon off a number of roads in the area.Zuma faces a charge of each racketeering and money laundering, two charges of corruption and 12 charges of fraud related to the multi-billion rand government arms deal.Zuma was charged in 2005, but that case was struck from the roll in 2006. He was re-charged in December 2007.A charge of racketeering and two counts of corruption are also faced by two Thint companies - Thint Holding (Southern Africa) Pty Ltd and Thint (Pty) Ltd - the South African subsidiaries of the French arms manufacturer Thales International (formerly Thomson-CFS).
Comments by Sonny
Let Justice be seen to be served today!
Posted by Sonny Cox at 11:47 PM 0 comments Links to this post
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Walking through the doors
ZWELINZIMA VAVI - Sep 11 2008 06:00In the first of a two-part series, Cosatu general secretary Zwelinzima Vavi, drawing on the expertise of a panel of economists convened by Cosatu, argues that capital must be disciplined We want to walk through the doors and use the new environment created by the Polokwane conference to begin to debate about economic and other policy options.By drawing together a panel of leading progressive economists as part of our “Walking through the doors project”, we want to position the labour movement to use the emerging space. We gave our panel the task of answering this question: is the economy moving in the right direction, and if not what are the key problems which need to be addressed? The economists questioned the mantra that government’s economic policies have been a “success story”, achieving “macro-economic stability” which paved the way for a period of sustained economic growth, and that this is beginning to reverse the tide of our inherited legacy. A deeper analysis shows, in fact, the opposite: that macro-economic and other policies are deepening the structural problems of the economy, entrenching inequality, and making the economy ever more vulnerable and dependent particularly on financial markets. Even with current policy shifts, overall economic policies continue to be inappropriate, are based on fundamental misunderstandings of the real economy, and ignore lessons of international comparative development in the last decade.The recent “consumer-led boom” is not addressing, but rather exacerbating, the negative features of our economy. The major difference now, is that the relatively small black middle class, weighed down by debt, is being incorporated into the apartheid enclave of luxury consumption by a minority. The majority suffer the ravages of unemployment and poverty wages. The “boom” has created an economic bubble, financed by unsustainable debt, which threatens to implode and leave us even worse off than before. As the productive sector of the economy has been undermined and the “resource dividend” squandered, we are now more vulnerable to economic shocks, inequality is being worsened, and the majority have been made more dependent on social grants.CONTINUES BELOWord=Math.random()*10000000000000000;document.write('');These patterns are not despite relatively high growth, but a direct product of the type of growth we are pursuing.The panel has identified the following challenges of current economic policy.The growing financialisation (domination by the financial sector) and lack of productive investment in the domestic economy, combined with the growing outward internationalisation of South African firms. This is exacerbated by the character of our financial sector -- banks tend not to finance long-term investments, unlike the East Asian model. Government policy has not intervened to influence the allocation of capital and financial markets have subverted our development goals.We are witnessing a problematic change in the structure of production and investment. This has seen the decline of the manufacturing sector and productive investment. Instead, we focus on sectors such as tourism, services, real estate and the financial sector. As labour we are concerned with the associated growth of atypical, unprotected and badly-paid work. Free-market policies have encouraged inappropriate investments like state incentivised minerals processing, and smelters; “easy rent” service sectors like mobile phones, bubble-induced property development, speculative financial services and private security services.The cycle of speculation, consumption and unproductive investment is promoted by conservative monetary policy and high real interest rates, which continues to dominate other areas of policy. Crude free-market policies are unable to deal with the contradictory goals of policy which are to curb rampant conspicuous consumption while, at the same time, promoting productive investment. Liberalisation of exchange controls has subjected South Africa to destabilising inflows and outflows of capital, which affect our domestic asset base.This unsustainable debt-driven consumption was financed by short-term capital inflows (themselves dependent on high interest rates). These resources have been squandered in largely unproductive investment in the economy. In 2006 investment in the top 10 sectors was in non-manufacturing sectors. An alleged growth-driven boom has left the SA economy possibly poorer, with large outflows of capital in dividend payments to foreigners.The current-account deficit is a function of the lack of diversification of the economy. We are over reliant on imports for capital and intermediate goods, as well as consumer goods. We have failed to capture our “resource rents” from production and export of our raw materials. At the same time, our exchange rate (the relative value of the rand) is artificially high on the back of cheap energy and resources, despite our high trade deficit. Inflation targeting entrenches this pattern, and boosts high interest rates, because depreciation in the exchange rate would raise inflation.Large firms in South Africa are using their power, and the space given to them by government policy, to entrench their monopoly positions. This continued monopolisation and concentration in some areas of the South African economy raises the challenge of disciplining capital. This needs to include subordination of finance capital to developmental goals, the control of capital flows, consideration of various instruments which can be used to discipline firms and state ownership in strategic areas.Conservative economic policies have mainly benefited a certain section of capital. Less powerful fractions of domestic capital, particularly smaller domestic producers, share some of Cosatu’s unhappiness about elements of these policies.The BEE strategy is reinforcing the current growth path and buying into the existing business model. BEE has not been realigned to the emerging industrial policy.• While apartheid agrarian policies tended to favour farmers, power has shifted in the last decade to agro-processing, with the abandonment of regulation through marketing boards, and the consequent domination and abuse by cartels in this sector.Trade patterns under liberalisation have retarded structural change, and subjected industry to unfair competition from abroad. Opening up to the “chill winds of competition” has reduced our economic policy autonomy. We have abandoned the use of trade policy as a way of altering relative prices in our favour, by failing to strategically use import tariffs and export duties. There is no coherent regional development strategy. This is necessary to deal with regional imbalances, and to unlock a regional industrial strategy which could make South Africa a hub for intermediate products, capital equipment and consumer durables, as opposed to the current one-sided export strategy.The emerging industrial strategy is being contradicted by fiscal and monetary policy. The prospects of developing a coherent strategy for growing productive activity and employment in the manufacturing sector, and broad-based industrialisation, is now being undermined by resistance from treasury to resourcing the new industrial strategy, and a lack of alignment of other areas of policy with this strategy.Government, our social services, and the economy are suffering from the legacy of destruction, or undermining, of state capacity, including the shortage of key delivery personnel. Despite all the hype about massive infrastructure investment, levels of public investment are now well below those in the Seventies as a proportion of GDP.Treasury and the power of capital in the state remain dominant. Fiscal policy is used to ensure low deficits or a surplus, instead of stabilisation of the real economy and employment creation.M & GComments by SonnySo who will really control 'Das Capital!"Das people or das Elitists?Who will be walking through das doors together?
Posted by Sonny Cox at 11:22 PM 0 comments Links to this post

Afrikanerbond appeals Pahad 'hate speech' decision

JOHANNESBURG, SOUTH AFRICA Sep 11 2008 16:17The Afrikanerbond has appealed a decision by the South African Human Rights Commission (SAHRC) on what it considers hate speech by Minister in the Presidency Essop Pahad. Afrikanerbond managing director Jan Bosman said on Thursday the organisation had originally lodged a formal complaint of hate speech against Pahad with the SAHRC near the end of August.The complaint followed media reports that Pahad told a press conference in Beijing that "white South Africans would like to see the 2010 Soccer World Cup flop".Bosman said although the statement was limited to some white people, it was "a form of irresponsible incitement and hate-speech" and Pahad should "know better".At the beginning of September the SAHRC wrote a letter to the Afrikanerbond explaining it had decided the complaint was out of its jurisdiction because Pahad made the comment in Beijing."The cause of action arose in Beijing and the South African Human Rights Commission has no jurisdiction in matters arising outside the republic," read the SAHRC letter.Bosman said the Afrikanerbond felt such a narrow interpretation would set an extremely dangerous precedent."Our conclusion, based on this decision, is that every South African can therefore undermine every principle of the Bill of Rights, just outside the borders of South Africa."Bosman said while the comment was made in Beijing, the consequences of his remarks were felt in SA and therefore should be considered within the commission's jurisdiction. He said the Afrikanerbond had already appealed the SAHRC's decision.
Commission spokesperson Vincent Moaga confirmed that an appeal from the Afrikanerbond had been received."We will look into it," he said.Pahad's spokesperson Samson Phakwago said Pahad was currently on his way back from Beijing and would only be able to comment on Friday, he said. - Sapa
Comments by Sonny
This was a South African issue, involving 'Whites" in SA.
Has the SAHRC become a toothless puppy?
Posted by Sonny Cox at 11:04 PM 0 comments Links to this post
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Relativity - ANCYL style

"I, not events, have the power to make me happy or unhappy today."Groucho Marx
Subject: Breaking News!!ANC Youth League to develop own Big Bang particle collider (fromwww.hayibo.com)PRETORIA.
Inspired by the historic firing of the Large Hadron Collider in Switzerland, the ANC Youth League says it intends building a similar deviceto explore, at a subatomic level, the bias of the media and the judiciaryagainst Jacob Zuma. According to a spokesman, this would be done bycolliding newspaper editors and judges at close to the speed of light "tosee what happens".The ambitious project was announced this morning by ANCYL science andtechnology spokesman Einstein Shabangu, who is currently completing acorrespondence course in wheel-alignment at the Tony Yengeni TechnicalUniversity of the North West.According to Shabangu the proposed collider would work according to thesame principles as the Large Hadron Collider in Europe, which acceleratesparticles to close to the speed of light in a vast underground tunnel."The science is beautifully simple," he said."We take two counterrevolutionary particles such as a racist judge and amegalomaniac newspaper editor, we strap them to gurneys, and thenaccelerate the gurneys to around 600 kilometers per hour, which is close tothe speed of light."He said a "vast array of scientific instruments, mostly Dictaphones andcamera-phones", would monitor the particles for any useful information,such as screamed confessions of racism or evidence of witchcraft.According to Shabangu a large number of factors would determine when theclimactic collision needed to take place, including the number ofspectators, the bias or racism of the particles being collided, and thequality of the free finger snacks being served in the VIP lounge next door.However, he said, the signal would come directly from Luthuli House."We imagine something dignified and stately, like Comrade Zuma dropping asilk handkerchief or slowly turning his thumbs down."He denied that the collider would become a white elephant once all thecountry's judges and editors had been hosed off the walls of the machine."Science is a never-ending struggle," he said. "If we finish withcounterrevolutionary particles we might start a new experiment, perhapswith dissident particles within the party, or ethnic particles."That's the wonderful thing about physics."It's just like the socialist revolution. It goes on forever, with anunlimited budget, and you never have to justify whether you're making anyprogress or not."
-Brendan Barratt073 858 4044
Posted by Sonny Cox at 10:54 PM 0 comments Links to this post
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