Hani's wife says killers must rot

Say it with a sting.....
Apr 10, 2010 10:11 PM | By Moipone Malefane
Limpho Hani, the widow of slain SACP leader Chris Hani, says her husband's killers should rot in jail until they tell the truth.
Speaking at a wreath-laying ceremony at her husband's grave in Boksburg yesterday to mark the 17th anniversary of his assassination, Limpho said that until such time as she, the ANC, the SACP, Cosatu and the nation knew the exact circumstances surrounding Hani's assassination, "those two (Janusz Walus and Clive Derby-Lewis) must remain in jail".
SACP general secretary Blade Nzimande said the SACP would be escalating its mobilisation to fight corruption wherever it occurred.
"Were Chris Hani alive today he would have been in the forefront in the struggle against corruption and tenderpreneurship," Nzimande said.
"The very existence of a system which allows a small elite to exploit workers in the private accumulation of wealth ... creates opportunities for corruption.
"Therefore a struggle against corruption must also be a struggle against capitalism and its market."
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Apr 11 2010 01:04:01 AM
They HAVE told the truth. They shot dead a communist. End of story. Too bad if you don't like the truth and prefer believing some convenient myth or fable instead.
REPORT ABUSE Apr 11 2010 02:34:44 AM
They have done their time and should have been released .
REPORT ABUSE Apr 11 2010 05:25:36 AM
That cannot be the truth. I am sure that Derby Lewis being white and all that smart would know that killing a person because he said person supports communism would not affect communism.
There must be a reason why he chose not to debate with Chris Hani but opted to kill him instead. I think your theory is very vague. A white person is not supposed to be that dumb.
If in terms of the law the time alloted for "life " is over then Limpho should not even be consulted on that. It is the state that jailed Derby Lewis, not Limpho.
REPORT ABUSE Apr 11 2010 07:41:12 AM
The truth is that Mbeki ordered the killing. Finish en klaar. Even my gardener knows that.
REPORT ABUSE Apr 11 2010 07:58:24 AM
The truth is Hani, no longer fitted in with the plans of the NEC of the ANC who as time has proved, wanted to go the capitalist materialistic route.
"comrades, we have arrived, we are going to be rich beyond our wildest dreams, and this country will give this to us" 1994.
Hani was violently opposed to the creation of a an elite class, as it violated every principle he had, so he had to go.
Derby Lewis? Fall guy, for lots of money for his dependents......
REPORT ABUSE Apr 11 2010 08:02:58 AM
Once more selected justice....this time from black to white. They commited the crime...they were arrested...they were questioned... they were prosecuted...they were convicted.They were also investigated by investigators from the TRC and this other truth was not uncovered. Now that its time to release them they are not being realeased until they tell the truth. What truth...the truth one side wants to hear ? Come on would it not have been easier to tell that truth and be realeased years ago? I'm sure we all dispise and condem them for having murdered this great leader, but lets be fair and unbiased to all when deciding on these issues.
REPORT ABUSE Apr 11 2010 08:13:40 AM
Who cares about Chris Hani or for that matter Steve Biko
REPORT ABUSE Apr 11 2010 08:20:15 AM
Apr 11 2010 08:13:40 AM
Not me!
"Hi Hani ... I'm home!" ;)
REPORT ABUSE Apr 11 2010 08:20:27 AM
In as much as I was disappointed at Hani's death, I think time is now for Limpho to let God and let Go!
FORGIVENESS is key to a wounded human soul, she's the one who'll suffer most; even if the killers were to die behind bars, she'd still be bitter with nobody to condemn anymore.
Keeping them for life in prison, won't bring Hani back, or even make Limpho feel less bitter. So, sister, please vomit all the bitterness and move on with your life; the worst thing is that, you've managed to pass this venorm of bitterness to your children...
This is the burden they'll have to carry throughout their lives, pass it on to your grandchildren, and so on. Will the circle of unforgiving bitterness be finally broken?
REPORT ABUSE Apr 11 2010 08:57:37 AM
How wonderfully forgiving in a Christian spirit to wish them to "rot in jail."
What is the bet that the murderers of ET will not serve one tenth of the time Janus Waluz and Clive Derby-Lewis have been incarerated?
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Comments by Sonny
Limpho's sneered remarks are outdated and limp!
She is a common racist!
She scored most from the propaganda!
There was no place in Mandela's SA for Chris Hani.
Labels: Hani wife remarks racist
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