Thursday, April 15, 2010

‘Gekaapte’ vrou eintlik toe net vies vir haar man

Say it with a sting.....

2010-04-14 22:25

Artikelopsies Deel Kry Beeld op

Nicolize van der Walt

Klerksdorp. – Huismoles kan jou duur te staan kom, veral as jou voertuig met ’n sattellietopsporingseenheid toegerus is.

’n Egpaar van Pretoria het eergisteraand vroegaand stry gekry, waarna die vrou haar twee kleuters in hul Nissan Navara gelaai en die pad Klerksdorp toe gevat het.

Dis nog onseker presies hoe die boodskap dat sy gekaap is by Altech Netstar, e-Blockwatch en die polisie uitgekom het, maar binne oomblikke het die land geweet dat ’n ma en haar twee kleuters hulle iewers op die N12 “in die hande van kapers bevind”.

Selfs die grenspos tussen Suid-Afrika en Mosambiek by Komatipoort in Mpumalanga is in kennis gestel van die “kaping”.

’n Cessna-vliegtuig van Rustenburg en ’n helikopter van Grand Central-lughawe by Midrand het die motor opgespoor en vanuit die lug gevolg.

Twee motors het op die grond ’n veilige afstand agter die “gekaapte” voertuig gehou.

Altesaam nege mense van Noordwes en Gauteng het aan die operasie deelgeneem.

Die vrou het eindelik by haar bestemming stilgehou en toe eers gehoor van die grootse “reddingspoging” wat letterlik bo haar kop en agter haar rug plaasgevind het.

Volgens die grondpersoneel was sy meer verbaas as geskok toe sy hoor hulle was heeltyd op haar spoor gewees.

“Die operasie kos ons nagenoeg R17 500,’’ het me. Shona Minards, woordvoerder van Altech Net-star, gesê.


Kommentaar deur Sonny

Ons is bly dat Altech-Net-star nog waarde vir ons geld is.

Huismoles kan geld kos.


Monday, April 12, 2010


Say it with a sting.....

A tale of two tantrums

Apart from other traumatic events, the past week will be remembered for two very public tantrums.

Both made worldwide news because they threw the choices facing South Africa into sharp relief. And both were characterized by a retreat into racial insults as an alternative to logic and reasoned debate.

One was the confrontation between ANC Youth League leader Julius Malema and BBC journalist Jonah Fisher. The other was the confrontation between AWB secretary general Andries Visagie and political analyst Lebohang Pheko.

Confrontations like these make South Africans anxious, because they symbolize the ever-present danger of a retreat into conflicting racial nationalisms.

But the fact that the majority of South Africans express this anxiety is actually good news. It shows that most of us do not want this kind of future, because it can produce no winners. Moments like these are actually important because they mobilize the moderate majority into realizing that we have to work towards a non-racial alternative, where everyone has the opportunity of a decent education and a job, and where everyone protects each other’s rights.

Crises tend to galvanise South Africans. We turn them into opportunities to face the real issues, and make the right choices.

But first we must understand precisely what these choices are. We know which option we want to avoid. It is symbolized by both Malema and Visagie.

Malema’s sinister tantrum, and resort to racial insults, has been analysed in every newspaper, and from every angle. Visagie’s outburst, and its context, warrants closer scrutiny.

Many people who have seen the relevant footage have concluded, incorrectly, that Visagie and Pheko represent the alternative choices facing South Africa. They do not.

They both represent the same option. In the short snippet available on the internet, their confrontation proceeds like this:

Pheko: You versus us.
Visagie: But can’t you understand that we have our own history, our own culture, our own language, our own religion.
Pheko: From your perspective, Mr Visagie, and it’s a very narrow perspective.
Visagie: It is not a perspective, it is a real fact.
Pheko: do you care about the starving millions of African people in this country?
Visagie: I care more….
Pheko: Do you care about the farm workers who are being oppressed in this country?
Visagie: I care….
Pheko: Do you care….
Visagie: No, no, no, don’t interrupt me. I am finished.

At this point Visagie rips off his lapel microphone, issues an expletive, and ends up in a confrontation with the show’s presenter, Chris Maroleng.

What struck me, when I watched this snippet on You Tube, was the sad fact that talk shows often fail to present the real alternatives facing South Africa. They make it seem as if opposing racial nationalisms are the only choices South Africans have.

The truth is that the ANC elite, behind the mask of race rhetoric, cares as little for the poor and dispossessed as the AWB. Following the example of Robert Mugabe, the network of connected ANC cronies is taking South Africa down the pathway of corruption and criminalization towards the failed state. In the failed state, the poor always suffer most, while the corrupt elite accumulate more and more wealth.

This trajectory is destroying South Africa’s capacity to grow the economy and create jobs. It is undermining education. The ANC elite actually know this. That is why they are so desperate to disguise their delivery failures. They are doing this by turning a racial minority into a political scapegoat.

Race mobilization is the only card the ANC has left. It will seek every opportunity to use it. Ethnic mobilization is the only card the AWB has ever played.

They both represent the future that South Africa’s moderate majority wants to avoid.

We have to build the political vehicle that will enable South Africans to choose the real alternative. We are well on our way, but there is a long way to go.

In the next few years, we must work towards realigning politics to bring together all South Africans (who currently find themselves in many different parties) into one powerful political force that crosses racial boundaries and offers the alternative to racial nationalism.

We must win elections in more provinces and, eventually, nationally. Winning is not an end in itself. It is necessary to implement the policies that are necessary to make our democracy work and ensure the promised better life for all South Africans

That is the vision we must all work for – every day, wherever we are and whatever we do.

Signed Helen Zille

Comments by Sonny

The ANC and their cronies are using bully tactics during live interviews!

Is this the democracy that we paid so dearly for?

We must eradicate the ANC from the face of South African politics!

Pheko reminded me of Lindiwe Sisulu's outburst in parliament when Cope put in a vote

of no confidence against JZ recently!

Do they use the same hair stylist?


Sunday, April 11, 2010

A case of spooks ’n shadows

Say it with a sting.....

11 April 2010
Mzwandile Kabizokwakhe

Jacob Zuma was not at the South Gauteng High Court this week. But there was little doubt his shadow was there.
In a case almost resembling President Zuma’s own case of multiple counts of fraud, corruption and money laundering – his namesake, Jacob Sello Selebi, aka Jackie Selebi, stands accused of multiple counts of corruption and defeating the ends of justice.
This week he made an application before High Court Judge Meyer Joffe to have his case dismissed, arguing the state had failed to demonstrate his guilt . Joffe will make his decision tomorrow .
But in his absence , President Zuma’s name came up a few times, though indirectly. First it was Selebi’s attorney, Jaap Cilliers SC, arguing that the state’s case had been a conspiracy unrelated to law but other sinister considerations .
He spoke of conspirators, including the state as represented by the National Prosecuting Authority, who concocted a plan to have Selebi found guilty of corruption “in order to neutralise him”.
That could have come from President Zuma’s own defence – he also cried conspiracy.
Of course tomorrow Selebi will hope to be the second Jacob in just more than a year to have his case of corruption abandoned even before he’d taken the stand to defend himself.

Sunday World

Comments by Sonny

To think that "these spooks" really think that they are above the LAW!

One party state mentality!


Soccer fans face 'bloodbath' in SA

Say it with a sting.....

Apr 10, 2010 10:31 PM | By MONICA LAGANPARSAD

A cheap British tabloid which claimed a "race war" had been declared in South Africa following Eugene Terre Blanche's killing is now under fire for dangerous and misleading reporting.

SENSATIONALIST: Daily Star cover

ET wanted to sodomise me, says accused

The front page of the Daily Star on Monday warned England soccer fans headed for the World Cup that they faced a "bloodbath".

Not only has the newspaper received a backlash from outraged South Africans, but at least six complaints - two from UK residents and four from South Africans - have been lodged with the UK's Press Complaints Commission (PCC).

The Daily Star has described the response as "hysterical".

The article written by Steve Hughes on Monday is headlined ''World Cup War: Machete Threat to England Fans".

The story centres on race tensions in the country following last week's murder of the AWB leader and claims South Africa is on the brink of a "full-blown race war" with "machete gangs ... roaming the streets".

It suggests the World Cup is under threat of being moved to another country or cancelled, quoting an unnamed Fifa source saying it would be a "total nightmare" if civil war broke out.

A second inflammatory story two days later warned that the AWB was signing up an ''army of new recruits" and that World Cup officials were drawing up emergency plans.

One of the complainants to the PCC, a 32-year-old South African working in London, accused the Daily Star of running a ''sensationalist story without quoting any named or credible or official sources to back up their 'civil war' and 'machete' claims".

In an official complaint filed with the PCC, a copy of which she sent to the Sunday Times, she wrote: ''Amazingly, they don't quote on record a single Fifa official or SA government official to justify the story which is presented as fact ...

"It's ultimately very damaging to SA, all its people and the World Cup," she wrote.

Journalist Steve Hughes who wrote the story, refused to discuss the source.

"Given the hysterical response to this story, and the personal insults thrown at me by South African respondents, it is also clearly unsafe for me to reveal my sources, even if I was inclined to."

World Cup Local Organising Committee spokesman Rich Mhkondo dismissed the articles as ''garbage".

''We regard it as a joke and a waste of time for us to comment ... It's the worst form of gutter journalism," he said.

The Democratic Alliance said it was an unashamed attempt to put off British tourists.


Provincial health department cleans up its act
Worthy of knowledge
Q & A: Eric Miyeni
Baptism of a writer
The Mysterious Key
Jazz, jazz and all that jazz
Letters: Laugh at me
Shopping: Mellow Yellow
Back to the future with '80s classics
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Apr 11 2010 12:56:30 AM
My granny says this newspapers editor should be put on trial.
REPORT ABUSE Apr 11 2010 01:06:04 AM
In a free country with a free press, anyone is free to make predictions about what might happen at some point in the future. Nothing wrong with that.
REPORT ABUSE Apr 11 2010 01:22:24 AM
Shame on them they do not have a clue about SOUTH AFRICA nor anything about South Africans.
REPORT ABUSE Apr 11 2010 01:26:16 AM
"face" bloodbath is the wrong expression.

with 50 murders/day, "join" a bloodbath would have been more appropriate AND NOT misleading.

and that is a FACT
REPORT ABUSE Apr 11 2010 01:47:30 AM
If this SWC is a failure, it will be a blessing in disguise for the ANC govt because it will force them to rethink their policies and the way they have been governing the country. Nothing like international shame and condemnation to wake them up out of their complacency.
REPORT ABUSE Apr 11 2010 02:10:40 AM
A newspaper read by uneducated british, these bloody agents
REPORT ABUSE Apr 11 2010 02:12:44 AM
@beezlebum - the W Cup will not be a failure.
All overseas fans are too scared to come here now.
They cant get robbed and mugged if theyre not here.
Thats what my granny says anyway.
REPORT ABUSE Apr 11 2010 02:47:17 AM
Maybe I'll be able to get those semi-final tickets after all!
REPORT ABUSE Apr 11 2010 05:06:00 AM
I have often posted that FIFA was wrong to award the world cup to SA was wrong. We don't have the infastructure for an anticipated half a million visitors.

The report by the British 'Star' is purely sensational journalism.

People should realize that Britain has many newspapers catering for many tastes.
The papers at the lower end (or gutter press) are called the 'red bands'. The top of the front page has a red band on it.
In my opinion the British Star is the second worst.

People do not buy 'red tops' to be informed, only to entertained. I must say The Sun is not too bad, But if nuclear war broke out between India and Pakistan on the same day that the Bekum's split, the war would be on page 6.
REPORT ABUSE Apr 11 2010 05:14:28 AM
Face facts --- SA is a very dangerous place. You're safer in Gaza or Kabul. Really. That's how bad the perception of it is. And perception becomes its own reality, just as how the old national flag is perceived as an "apartheid flag" even though it pre-dates apartheid by a full 20 years.

Times Live

Comment by Sonny

....."ET wanted to sodomise me, says accused".....




Hani's wife says killers must rot

Say it with a sting.....

Apr 10, 2010 10:11 PM | By Moipone Malefane

Limpho Hani, the widow of slain SACP leader Chris Hani, says her husband's killers should rot in jail until they tell the truth.

Speaking at a wreath-laying ceremony at her husband's grave in Boksburg yesterday to mark the 17th anniversary of his assassination, Limpho said that until such time as she, the ANC, the SACP, Cosatu and the nation knew the exact circumstances surrounding Hani's assassination, "those two (Janusz Walus and Clive Derby-Lewis) must remain in jail".

SACP general secretary Blade Nzimande said the SACP would be escalating its mobilisation to fight corruption wherever it occurred.

"Were Chris Hani alive today he would have been in the forefront in the struggle against corruption and tenderpreneurship," Nzimande said.

"The very existence of a system which allows a small elite to exploit workers in the private accumulation of wealth ... creates opportunities for corruption.

"Therefore a struggle against corruption must also be a struggle against capitalism and its market."


Provincial health department cleans up its act
Worthy of knowledge
Q & A: Eric Miyeni
Baptism of a writer
The Mysterious Key
Jazz, jazz and all that jazz
Letters: Laugh at me
Shopping: Mellow Yellow
Back to the future with '80s classics
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Apr 11 2010 01:04:01 AM
They HAVE told the truth. They shot dead a communist. End of story. Too bad if you don't like the truth and prefer believing some convenient myth or fable instead.
REPORT ABUSE Apr 11 2010 02:34:44 AM
They have done their time and should have been released .
REPORT ABUSE Apr 11 2010 05:25:36 AM
That cannot be the truth. I am sure that Derby Lewis being white and all that smart would know that killing a person because he said person supports communism would not affect communism.

There must be a reason why he chose not to debate with Chris Hani but opted to kill him instead. I think your theory is very vague. A white person is not supposed to be that dumb.

If in terms of the law the time alloted for "life " is over then Limpho should not even be consulted on that. It is the state that jailed Derby Lewis, not Limpho.
REPORT ABUSE Apr 11 2010 07:41:12 AM
The truth is that Mbeki ordered the killing. Finish en klaar. Even my gardener knows that.

REPORT ABUSE Apr 11 2010 07:58:24 AM
The truth is Hani, no longer fitted in with the plans of the NEC of the ANC who as time has proved, wanted to go the capitalist materialistic route.

"comrades, we have arrived, we are going to be rich beyond our wildest dreams, and this country will give this to us" 1994.

Hani was violently opposed to the creation of a an elite class, as it violated every principle he had, so he had to go.

Derby Lewis? Fall guy, for lots of money for his dependents......

REPORT ABUSE Apr 11 2010 08:02:58 AM
Once more selected justice....this time from black to white. They commited the crime...they were arrested...they were questioned... they were prosecuted...they were convicted.They were also investigated by investigators from the TRC and this other truth was not uncovered. Now that its time to release them they are not being realeased until they tell the truth. What truth...the truth one side wants to hear ? Come on would it not have been easier to tell that truth and be realeased years ago? I'm sure we all dispise and condem them for having murdered this great leader, but lets be fair and unbiased to all when deciding on these issues.
REPORT ABUSE Apr 11 2010 08:13:40 AM
Who cares about Chris Hani or for that matter Steve Biko
REPORT ABUSE Apr 11 2010 08:20:15 AM
Apr 11 2010 08:13:40 AM

Not me!

"Hi Hani ... I'm home!" ;)
REPORT ABUSE Apr 11 2010 08:20:27 AM
In as much as I was disappointed at Hani's death, I think time is now for Limpho to let God and let Go!

FORGIVENESS is key to a wounded human soul, she's the one who'll suffer most; even if the killers were to die behind bars, she'd still be bitter with nobody to condemn anymore.

Keeping them for life in prison, won't bring Hani back, or even make Limpho feel less bitter. So, sister, please vomit all the bitterness and move on with your life; the worst thing is that, you've managed to pass this venorm of bitterness to your children...

This is the burden they'll have to carry throughout their lives, pass it on to your grandchildren, and so on. Will the circle of unforgiving bitterness be finally broken?
REPORT ABUSE Apr 11 2010 08:57:37 AM
How wonderfully forgiving in a Christian spirit to wish them to "rot in jail."
What is the bet that the murderers of ET will not serve one tenth of the time Janus Waluz and Clive Derby-Lewis have been incarerated?

Times Live

Comments by Sonny

Limpho's sneered remarks are outdated and limp!

She is a common racist!

She scored most from the propaganda!

There was no place in Mandela's SA for Chris Hani.


Chancellor House cloud over $3.75bn Eskom loan

Say it with a sting.....

Storm Brewing: World Bank raises concerns over political links but sale could spark fresh row

Apr 10, 2010 11:46 AM | By Rob Rose

Front company unaware of imminent sale by ANC, writes Rob Rose. ANC treasurer Mathews Phosa says Chancellor House, a front company for the ruling party, is expected to announce the sale of its 25% stake in Hitachi Power Africa in the next six weeks

SHORT CIRCUIT: ANC treasurer Mathews Phosa says the ruling party will sell its stake in a power company, apparently contradicting secretary-general Gwede Mantashe Picture: KEVIN SUTHERLAND
We're definitely not interested in getting involved in shady deals and taking advantage of the taxpayer to raise money

This surprise news came hours after the World Bank granted a $3.75-billion loan to Eskom, despite the fact that the parastatal awarded a R38.5-billion contract in 2008 to Hitachi to build boilers at its new coal-fired 4800MW Medupi power station.

Political parties - led vocally by the Independent Democrats (ID) and Democratic Alliance (DA) - had lobbied the World Bank unsuccessfully this week to refuse the loan unless Chancellor House sold its Hitachi investment.

But Phosa told the Sunday Times on Friday: "We have advised Chancellor House of our desire to exit from Hitachi as quickly as possible, and they are in the process of doing so. My expectation is that this will be done in the next six weeks."

Phosa's commitment seems to contradict ANC secretary-general Gwede Mantashe, who said this week that the party would exit its Hitachi investment only if the rules on political funding were changed for all parties.

There will also be scepticism, as Phosa first said in 2008 that Chancellor House would sell its share in Hitachi - and this has yet to happen.

But, putting a deadline to it for the first time, Phosa emphasised that "this is not a loose deadline, we want this done quickly".

"(The ANC) took a decision to disinvest. Initially, there were different views, but we now have agreed to disinvest, and Chancellor House has accepted that. But as a shareholder, we can only give advice to Chancellor House," he said.

He admitted the Hitachi investment was "always a borderline case" of a conflict of interest, given that government awarded the R38.5-billion tender to Hitachi, in which the ruling party has an interest.

"We're definitely not interested in getting involved in shady deals and taking advantage of the taxpayer to raise money. We want to set a proper example and be accountable," Phosa said.

As part of the shareholders' agreement, Chancellor House must first offer its 25% shareholding in Hitachi Power Africa back to Hitachi.

But Robin Duff, chief financial officer at Hitachi Power Africa, said on Friday that "we haven't had an approach" from Chancellor House about repurchasing the shares.

However, he did say the company would make an announcement in the next few weeks "to set the record straight".

Whether any sale will happen as Phosa intends remains to be seen.

Professor Taole Mokoena, who chairs Chancellor House, said: "We are an independent company and nobody tells the directors what to do".

He added that Phosa "certainly hasn't told me" of the desire to sell the shares.

What complicates matters is that Chancellor House is owned a Trust, with no beneficiaries specified. This allows the board of trustees - chaired by Popo Molefe - to "donate" cash where they want.

This new assurance of an imminent sale are likely to spur talk that some form of back-room pressure was applied to the ANC, before the World Bank agreed to provide the $3.75-billion loan.

The loan - $3-billion of which is for Medupi, $260-million for wind and solar projects, and $485-million for low-carbon energy projects - was granted despite the US, the UK and the Netherlands abstaining for "environmental reasons".

The problem is that Medupi will burn coal, creating "significant greenhouse gas emissions", as the US Treasury noted.

But Eskom chief financial officer Paul O'Flaherty said on Friday that a number of World Bank member countries had also expressed concerns about the ruling party's involvement in Hitachi.

O'Flaherty said the World Bank had raised concerns about the Hitachi investment "and were quite adamant that this was something they would not fund".

If Chancellor House sold its shares in Hitachi, "that would take a lot of pressure off us", he said.

However, Eskom argued successfully that none of the World Bank cash would be used to pay for the Hitachi contract, as this was a separate "package" for which it had already obtained finance.

World Bank spokesman Sarwat Hussain said: "All along, we've said that the Hitachi component (of Medupi) is not part of what we're financing."

Hussain added that "we have done our own due diligence, which included looking at our fiduciary responsibilities".

But critics have ridiculed the view that the Hitachi contract was somehow separate from the rest of the Medupi project.

ID MP Lance Greyling said it was an "artificial divide, to say the cash will not be used for the Hitachi part of the project".

Greyling added that the World Bank loan would "inadvertently be funding a massive conflict of interest where the ruling party is able to benefit handsomely from a government tender".

He said he hoped "unofficial pressure" would be brought to bear on the ANC to ensure that Chancellor House got rid of its Hitachi investment.

But while the outcome of the World Bank vote was never really in doubt, Eskom will breathe easier now that it has raised enough cash to pay the entire R125-billion it needs to build Medupi.

However, it still needs R45-billion for another power station, Kusile.

O' Flaherty said the World Bank loan was also granted at a relatively low interest rate, which should help (marginally) to keep a lid on the electricity hikes for consumers.

The interest rate floats according to the London Interbank Offered Rate, meaning that right now, hypothetically, Eskom would pay an interest rate of 9.6% on the World Bank loan - less than the 9.8% it pays bondholders and more than 10% which it pays banks for loans.

Times Live

Comments by Sonny

This is what the ANC is doing with borrowed money from the World Bank!

The lights will go out in SA!

The 'fat catz' just get fatter!

The ANC is here to deceive with their greed for power!


Saturday, April 10, 2010

Malema warned of 'consequences'

Say it with a sting.....

2010-04-10 16:28

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Zuma blasts Malema
ANC slams Malema's Zim comments
Media won't boycott Malema

Durban - President Jacob Zuma on Saturday lashed out at the conduct of ANC Youth League President Julius Malema, saying that the statements he made were totally alien to the culture of the ruling party.

Zuma criticised the youth league leader for defying the court ruling which banned the singing of the controversial "dubula ibhunu" (shoot the boer).

He also lambasted the horrendous manner in which Malema treated a BBC journalist and the statements he made about the Movement for Democratic Change after his visit to Zimbabwe.

"We reiterate that leaders should think before they speak, as their utterances have wider implications for the country," said Zuma addressing the media in Durban.

Drawing the line

He said his ANC leadership was drawing the line, and that there would be consequences for anyone who crossed that line.

"The relevant structure in the ANC will look at what has happened to see if the line has been crossed. If the line has been crossed, there will be consequences," he said.

Zuma said he had spoken to Malema by telephone about what happened in Zimbabwe and how he had treated a BBC journalist.

The commotion between Malema and the journalist took place at an ANCYL media briefing on Thursday.

Malema called BBC journalist Jonah Fisher a "bastard" and an "agent", before booting him out of the media briefing.

This after Fisher pointed out that Malema lived in Sandton - while the youth leader was chastising Zimbabwe's Movement for Democratic Change for operating out of offices there.

Zuma said he had not received a complaint from the MDC about Malema’s statements.

Out of order

He said the ANC had called for the "dubula ibhunu" song not to be sung because the organisation respected the court ruling.

"When the ANC has made such a statement, it is totally out of order for us to continue as if such a statement was not made," he said.

In the current environment, the song could be misunderstood by those not familiar with the context and content of “our struggle”, he said.

"We must recognise the role of the judiciary as the final arbiter in disputes in society," he said.

He said there were procedures that one should follow to challenge court decisions.

"Defiance of these procedures should not be tolerated. It would make mockery of our judicial system."

Zuma said the ANC Youth League was not an independent body, saying that it existed within the umbrella policy and discipline of the ANC.



Comments by Sonny

President Zuma, stand up and face the demon you helped create.

He is not one of a kind!


Police: No condom found near ET

Say it with a sting.....

2010-04-10 12:44

Related Links
Used condoms found at ET murder scene
Fear lingers after Terre'Blanche's burial
Murder could fuel violence: Agri SA
'Terre'Blanche persecuted us'
Terre'Blanche laid to rest
Final journey for Terre'Blanche

Johannesburg - Police on Saturday denied that a used condom was found at the murder scene of AWB leader Eugene Terre'blanche.

"It is a false allegation," North West police spokesperson Captain Adele Myburgh said, responding to an earlier report in the Saturday Star.
The newspaper reported that a used condom was allegedly found in the farmhouse bedroom where Terre'blanche was murdered.

"There was no condom found on the scene of the late Mr Eugene Terre'blanche".

Myburgh said police had no intention of "misleading" anyone about any facts in the case.

"I'm prepared to put my neck in a guillotine and you can have a go at it if I have been lying." She also said she had heard reports that the post mortem report had been leaked to the media.

"That is not true. It has not even left the site." Right wing leader Terre'Blanche was murdered at his farm outside Ventersdorp a week ago.

A man, aged 28, and a teenage boy, aged 15, have been charged with four crimes including the murder.

Terre'blanche's body was found by detectives with his pants pulled down and his genitals exposed.

The Saturday Star reported that a used condom had been found on the scene of the murder by investigators and sent for forensic testing.
One of the charges made against the alleged killers during court proceedings this week was of crimen injuria.

At the time prosecutor George Baloyi explained the charge of crimen injuria as: ".... they pulled down his [Terre'Blanche's] pants to his knees and exposed his private parts".

On Saturday, Mthunzi Mhaga, the spokesperson for the National Prosecuting Authority told the newspaper no further comment would be made on the charge.

"We've said enough. And that is that (the charge) is because Mr Terre'blanche's pants were pulled down to his knees and his private parts were showing. All other evidence will be presented at the trial."

Johannesburg lawyer Zola Majavu, who represents the minor, would neither confirm nor deny to the Saturday Star the discovery of the condom on the murder site.

AWB leader Steyn van Ronge at first told the newspaper that he "can't comment" on the alleged discovery of a used condom at the scene.

Later he told the newspaper that he was not aware of the discovery of any condom.

"If evidence is presented to support that, I will make a comment," he then said.

Along with the crimen injuria charge, farmworker Mahlangu, and the minor, have been charged with murder, house breaking and robbery with aggravating circumstances and attempted robbery with aggravating circumstances.

The case was postponed to April 14. The two had not yet pleaded to the charges.



Comments by Sonny

Shit stirrers will be shit stirrers!

What do the idiots have to lose!

Baseless, faceless Bastards!


ET honoured on farm that was not his

Say it with a sting.....

10 April 2010, 08:12

Related Articles

Black labourers fear ET mourners
Thud of earth on wood, and ET was buried
VIDEO:Terre'Blanche laid to rest

AWB members and local labourers had been hard at work all week digging a brick and concrete crypt that would take both Terre'Blanche and, ultimately, his wife, Martie, alongside him.

But, Terre'Blanche does not own the farm. The only thing he owns, or indeed is associated with, is a company called Deelsaam (Pty) Ltd.

The farm, Witrandjiesfontein, was sold in 2004 according to AWB committee chairman at the time, Andre Visagie, to raise money for Terre'Blanche's legal fees as he tried to stop his conviction and sentence for his assault on and attempted murder of security guard Paul Motshabi in 1996.

Under an agreement struck with the new owner, Terre'Blanche had five years to raise the funds, but in the meantime, rented the farm from the owner.

"He had no income and no salary," said Visagie, so Terre'Blanche turned to speaking to raise cash for fertiliser and seed and to buy cattle, and for his longer-term goal of returning Witrandjiesfontein to the family.

Yesterday though newly elected AWB leader Steyn van Ronge last night was adamant that Terre'blanche had in fact bought back the farm.

He denied too that Terre'Blanche had in fact been estranged from his wife and spent most of the time on the farm, coming into town irregularly.

Van Ronge, however, did admit that AWB members had made a huge financial contribution to the costs of yesterday's funeral, but added that it was a "completely private affair".

This article was originally published on page 5 of Saturday Star on April 10, 2010

Saturday Star

Comments by Sonny

We do not intend pondering on this murder.

We can see what the ANC intends doing with this article.

A good defence for Satin's gooks!

Now ET will be compared to JZ.

Why did Simelane personally take over the prosecution?

Can we expect a charge of 'defeating the ends of justice' being added to the charge



Media won't boycott Malema

Say it with a sting.....Media won't boycott Malema

South Africa's media will ask President Jacob Zuma for a meeting to discuss the behaviour of ANC Youth League president Julius Malema, National Press Club chairperson Yusuf Abramjee said on Friday."We will immediately write a letter to President Zuma, where we will express our concerns and appeal for the protection of the media," Abramjee said after an urgent meeting about Malema's treatment of a foreign reporter at a press conference."We will also raise media literacy issues. There will also be a request for a meeting," he said.On Thursday, Malema called BBC correspondent Jonah Fisher a "bastard" and a "bloody agent", and accused him of having white tendencies when he interjected during a press conference on Malema's recent visit to Zimbabwe.While Malema was criticising Zimbabwe's Movement for Democratic Change for having offices in Sandton, Fisher remarked that Malema lived in Sandton.Malema launched into a verbal attack which ended with Fisher being chased out of the press conference.ANC to discuss behaviour The ANC publicly rounded on Malema, and said it would urgently meet the ANCYL to discuss his behaviour."The aggressive and insultive (sic) behaviour to the said journalist that culminated with Mr Fisher walking out of the [ANC] Youth League press briefing cannot be condoned at all," spokesperson Jackson Mthembu said in a statement."The unfortunate outburst by Comrade Julius Malema did not only reflect negatively on him, but also reflected negatively on the ANCYL, the entire ANC family, our alliance partners as well as South Africa in the eyes of the international community."The Congress of SA Trade Unions voiced its support for the ANC's stance and described its pronouncement on the matter a "bold" move.The National Religious Leaders' Forum said it also wanted to talk to Zuma about Malema.Media united The Afrikanerbond apologised to the BBC and said it intended lodging a complaint with the SA Human Rights Commission about the matter.Editors, journalists and media organisations including the Foreign Correspondents' Association, the Professional Journalists' Association and the Freelance Writers' Association attended the "summit" in Sandton.Input was also made by the SA National Editors' Forum."Discussions and debate were open and robust. The media fraternity is united on this issue," Abramjee said in a statement.The press club believed that Malema's behaviour contradicted Zuma's recent undertaking at the club's Newsmaker of the Year banquet, where he said journalists should not be victimised under any circumstances.No boycottAbramjee said it was decided at the meeting not to boycott ANC Youth League press conferences as "this would amount to irresponsible behaviour by the journalistic fraternity".However, it was agreed that journalists could walk out of media briefings if they felt their journalistic ethics were being undermined.At the talks, a steering committee was elected representing various media bodies and organisations."The media being treated with contempt must cease immediately, as well as the name calling. We will continue to address issues that infringe on media freedom," said Abramjee.The ANCYL has threatened to expose journalists' private details in reaction to articles about Malema's directorship of a company that was awarded multi-million rand tenders in Limpopo.It was alleged that journalists have sex with politicians for stories, get them drunk to get information from them, and accept "brown envelopes".A group of political reporters had already lodged a complaint with the ANC over the allegations.
Read more on: media ancyl anc julius malema jonah fisher yusuf abramjee jacob zuma


Friday, April 9, 2010

Black labourers fear ET mourners

Say it with a sting.....

9 April 2010, 18:32

By Baldwin Ndaba

Most of the black people have deserted the town of Ventersdorp.

Following threats of right-wing activists against them.

Most of the black labour force who are working town were quick to get to their taxis and privately hired transport. It is alleged that most of the right-wingers who came from AWB leader Eugene Terre'Blanche's funeral went to their respective pubs and drinking places.

Now most of the black people claim that right-wingers, after drinking, will come into the town to hunt them down.

One of the resident employees told IOL that some colleagues at Spar were told to vacate the shop at noon on Friday.

In Ventersdorp and the road leading to Potchefstroom most roadsigns were defaced with slogans such as: "Kill Malema" and others had the AWB sign.

This breaking news flash was supplied exclusively to by the news desk at our sister title, The Star.

For more about this story, carry on watching or click here to subscribe to the digital or print edition of the newspaper.

The Star

Comments by Sonny

ET was not a danger to society.

Malema is!
