Firebrand Malema plays peacemaker
Say it with a sting.....
Nkosana Lekotjolo Published:Aug 29, 2008
Allegations of fraudulent nominations caused strife
FIERY ANC Youth League leader Julius Malema has managed to broker a truce between rival factions competing for the party chair at its Northern Cape provincial conference.
The conference, which was supposed to kick off in Kuruman on Tuesday , has been delayed by allegations of fraud in the nomination process and overshadowed by violent clashes between the supporters of rival leaders, John Block, the provincial chairman, and Neville Mompati, the ANC’s provincial secretary.
Proceedings finally started at midnight on Wednesday after the intervention of Malema and others.
The conference was still under way last night. Malema, who was dispatched to Kuruman on the instructions of the ANC’s national executive committee, told The Times yesterday he had held separate discussions with the two rival candidates — and that they had agreed to put their differences aside to ensure that the conference was a success.
Malema said he told both Block and Mompati that they needed to redeem themselves because they had caused a lot of pain and ‘‘embarrassment” to the ANC.
‘‘ I was frank enough with the comrades to tell them what they did not want to hear. I asked them why were they dividing the province instead of raising their grievances in the conference.
‘‘I told them that the only apology they can now give to the ANC was that they should ensure that they deliver a peaceful conference.”
He said the major stumbling blocks to the smooth running of the conference were the allegations of fraudulent nominations from branch level as well as complications around the verification of the credentials of the voting delegates.
These had since been resolved.
Sunday Times
Comments by Sonny
Julius Malema; Peacemaker, Shitstirrer or shot-firer.
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Comments: (38)View Latest
DDarko said at Aug 29 2008 5:46AM
Gangsters involved in a turf war. The public must be made aware that the principle objective of any ANC structure is to steal from the people. Therefore membership of these structures is the first step to criminal enrichment.
That is why there so many criminals willing to kill each other to ensure membership.
Vote ANC in 2009??
phreewil said at Aug 29 2008 6:08AM
Ja I know what he said... 'sort your sh*t out or I'll kill you!'...
grant7 said at Aug 29 2008 6:26AM
This could only happen in Africa!
The boy who came to power amidst chaos and brawling and recently incited his gang to 'kill for Zuma' has been sent as a peace maker.
The delegates realize that the trough is nearly empty so it's a case of 'dog eats dog' in the stampede to get their snouts in it.
sechaba30 said at Aug 29 2008 6:49AM
Congratulations Malema. This intervention really shows that you are a true leader. A True leader doesn't listen to these negative afrikaners and boers who want to immigrate to Australia and New Zealand. The must shut up and leave south africa
DDarko said at Aug 29 2008 6:55AM
True leader + bullshit rhetoric = confirmed thief.
Dukeboy said at Aug 29 2008 7:17AM
sechaba30 said at Aug 29 2008 6:49AM
A True leader doesn't listen to these negative afrikaners and boers who want to immigrate to Australia and New Zealand.
How about us souties who don't want to leave?
Is it too much to ask, having taken your lot out of the stone age, that you don't take us all back there!
Chumza said at Aug 29 2008 7:19AM
‘‘ I was frank enough with the comrades to tell them what they did not want to hear. I asked them why were they dividing the province instead of raising their grievances in the conference.
What rubbish, when this idiot and his blind worshippers have succeeded in creating two factions of the ANC.
The_Homicidal_Maniac said at Aug 29 2008 7:25AM
Malema either has a split personality, is an utter baffoon, or has very short term memory. Or worse, all of the above.
Not long ago he repeatedly declared publicly he would kill for Zuma and incite chaos should the trial not go his way.
‘I told them that the only apology they can now give to the ANC was that they should ensure that they deliver a peaceful conference.”
"..they had caused a lot of pain and ‘‘embarrassment” to the ANC."
is it just me or there is a tonne of irony in these statements.South Africas' political jester never ceases to amaze
goproteasgo said at Aug 29 2008 7:31AM
boring, go back to sleep malema, moron
Meiki said at Aug 29 2008 7:37AM
Well done Cde, that is the true spirit of an ANC cadre...openness and not have done good. keep it up
Svegubbe said at Aug 29 2008 7:47AM
Bring me my machine gun and let us kill for Zuma because both Block and Mompati needed to redeem themselves, they caused a lot of pain and ‘‘embarrassment” to the ANC.
pickedlast said at Aug 29 2008 7:54AM
"Malema said he told both Block and Mompati that they needed to redeem themselves because they had caused a lot of pain and ‘‘embarrassment” to the ANC."
Said the pot to the kettle
Wonder said at Aug 29 2008 8:10AM
Too little too late!
bokfan said at Aug 29 2008 8:12AM
If malema continues in this role it may indicate that he is growing up. However, I doubt it and am convinced that he will remain the party's blunt instrument in perpetuity.
beuzana said at Aug 29 2008 8:17AM
The national leadership were misled by people who are in the NEC of the ANC and hails from the North Cape.
If you need the truth you must come to the branch , they have the evidence of the fraudelant activities that were conducted by Block's supporters
phreewil said at Aug 29 2008 8:33AM
Refer to my last comment on
Same applies to you.
PrincessofPeace said at Aug 29 2008 8:39AM
OMG, you mean Malema can actually do this? I'm impressed.
Slindile said at Aug 29 2008 8:51AM
Well done Malema...u done good boi
Khubla-Khan said at Aug 29 2008 8:55AM
C'mon, we all know he went there with advisors... and he said precisely what he was told to say at HQ, verbatim.
Loggenberg said at Aug 29 2008 8:57AM
I`m impressed.
Dukeboy said at Aug 29 2008 9:26AM
Loggenberg said at Aug 29 2008 8:57AM
I`m impressed.
But you so easily are, Loggies.
Loggenberg said at Aug 29 2008 9:27AM
Dukeboy said at Aug 29 2008 9:26AM
Loggenberg said at Aug 29 2008 8:57AM
I`m impressed.
But you so easily are, Loggies.
I don`t like Malema but one have to give credit where it`s due.
Khubla-Khan said at Aug 29 2008 9:34AM
Loggenberg said at Aug 29 2008 9:27AM
Loggz mtshana, don't fall for this crap. This fool probably got there and threatened to kill both Blok ad Mompati. Surely that would get them to get the conference under way.
geanann said at Aug 29 2008 9:37AM
Very good comrade, keep the hate speech for the dreaded Mbeki and evil counter-revolutionary forces
phreewil said at Aug 29 2008 10:48AM
You will never be free for as long as you need someone to tell you what to believe in. You will never be free for as long as you blindly follow a movement, verily a cult, solely because you live in the past. Your fears and trepidations of 'white rule' are unfounded and irrational. Sure, you might have memories that trigger an automatic defense mechanism that makes you incapable of trusting pinky. But your emotions are dominated by the past.
Thing is, we don't live in the past. We're here, now.
Pinky is not interested in white rule, in much the same way most rational darkies aren't for exclusive black rule. It's about letting the crackpots that run the ANC, or ANY political party for that matter, know that they can't hijack us as a nation. You're allowing their criminal and immoral behaviour simply because you don't have the balls to be a man and think for yourself. The sooner your rotting generation (black and white) dies out, the better.
pacaveli said at Aug 29 2008 11:06AM
You know the only thing that hampers african unity and stability is political selfishness. Africa why can't you unite for the benefit of your beloved children? Africa what hope do you give to your children where there is genocide in sudan, where there is political and economic instability in zimbabwe?
sears said at Aug 29 2008 11:13AM
It is easy to make a saint out of a libertine than a prude or Pharisees
sotheysay said at Aug 29 2008 12:07PM
Dukeboy said Is it too much to ask, having taken your lot out of the stone age, that you don't take us all back there!
Why do you keep on sayin "us" "we" , first of all how old are you to have been there during the stone age. You did shit. All those old bags did was enslave our ancestors and looted all the natural resourses , greedy bastards and now you cry about corruption in the ANC... Why can't people just the common in all human beings without regard to race of colour. If black people ahd oppressed whites for years and the whites gained freedom and ruled, they'll will be doing the same things. Its human nature. White eople can relax and seem not so corrupt 'cause they've have been doing this for centuries after all, this is English ..corruption, fraud, bribes etc
phreewil said at Aug 29 2008 12:47PM
It's interesting to note that, according to you and your type, it's human nature to rape, murder, pillage and plunder. That's probably why Duke uses the terms 'us' and 'you', to 'us' that's not human nature.
Mommacyndi said at Aug 29 2008 2:35PM
I will kill for a bit of peace and quiet.
whizzkid said at Aug 29 2008 2:39PM
"Malema said he told both Block and Mompati that they needed to redeem themselves because they had caused a lot of pain and ‘‘embarrassment” to the ANC."
How this moegoe can say this to a fellow SENIOR comrade with a straight face is beyond me!
McCainsweets said at Aug 29 2008 3:14PM
Big ups to malema. I don't care what you say,but we all know how eveil the aprtheid regime was. At least these guys dont send hits and bomb malls. You want to tell me that killing is better than steling? Stop harasing the ANC because of your stupidity. They are doing a slow but good job. In every sky, there will always be a less bright star. It does not mean it's not glowing. ANC shall conquer. To my white brothers: I am not being apologetic, i'm just stating facts (I would better steal than kill)
Iamgone said at Aug 29 2008 3:56PM
Now if you have to send the kids to the party to tell the grown ups how to behave, then you know you are sitting with serious trouble. Its even worse if the grown ups listen to the kids
grant7 said at Aug 30 2008 6:07AM
"Malema plays peacemaker.."
Does this mean just chaaf-chaaf?
phreewil said at Aug 30 2008 6:27AM
What is the purpose of comparing the current leadership to the past? The argument that it's now a better life for all is moot as any party that comes in now can only pick up where the ANC left off and improve on it. Which I daresay won't be too difficult.
You justify it to yourself with the infant attitude of '...well he did it so why can't I?...', and from your standpoint, who knows, it's probably justifiable.
But is this it? Is this all you're going to be content with? Sub-standard governance? Complete disregard for human dignity and life? You speak of the atrocities inflicted on your race over the past few centuries but you fail to honour their suffering by squandering your inheritance.
Let's face it, you're not going to let go anytime soon. You're like a child in a toy shop. This is your entire world and you have no concept of togetherness of humanity. Is oppression to blame for this? Maybe.
It still confuses me the way you rant on about how much you hate pinky. How much you profess to not want anything to do with him or his kind. But oh how you lust for his goodies. The Blue Label. The BMW. The gold chains and the penthouse. The suits, the shoes, the food. Tell me, why is it that the one race you detest so much is the one race you aspire so hard to be like?
I'm not saying it's a bad thing, but don't treat me like a dumbfuck. You and I both know the apartheid regime was run by a bunch of kaffir boers, Afrikaans morons who us souties probably hate more than you do. I am not him. See? no comb in my sock. And I can say with, not wif.
Loose the attitude chum and you'll make more friends.
BraTabs said at Aug 30 2008 9:59AM
Malema u got too much leisure time ever since u were elected.
it wouldn't be a bad idea to use this time to enrol for Political Edu 101, that u been preaching.
u just like your uncle Zuma, keep changing spots and pleasing crowd.
Dukeboy said at Aug 30 2008 7:03PM
sotheysay said at Aug 29 2008 12:07PM
All those old bags did was enslave our ancestors and looted all the natural resourses , greedy bastards and now you cry about corruption in the ANC...
Apologies for missing this comment - and the late response thereto.
What natural resources, sotheysay? You mean all the minerals that lay in the ground undiscovered and oblivious to the black of the time?
Or do you refer to the vast square kilometres of farmland producing crops to feed both the local population, with enough excess to sell to neighbouring territories.
Ah, you say, but had we been able to use cocopans and tractors things would have been different.
Good point, sotheysay. But Europe didn't have these things prior to the industrial revolution. But they did have the wheel - upon which cocopans and tractors were designed and developed. Care to discuss the "African" invention of the iron horse which opened up the continent to commercial and industrial viability?
Slavery? The least said about slavery the better. But we might just mention that blacks, working on the development of the continent, were paid, housed, fed and medicated.
Which led to the necessity of an infrastructure in which other blacks were employed.
Would you like to compare that with the slavery of blacks perpetrated by other black tribes?
Here's something for you to ponder. Despite your ability to procreate, had it not been for white intervention, you'd be an endangered species.
Malaria, sleeping sickness, bilharzia, blackwater fever and other waterborne diseases, crocodile and lion kills, snakebites and tribal wars would have made you as rare as hens teeth.
So how about saying thank you, whitey. Thanks for bringing your skills, building cities with potable water, electricity, roads and transport, farm and mine implements, et al.
Not forgetting European syle clothes, shoes, cellphones and BMW's, all of which you aspire to.
And let's not forget that this whitey "greed" now has you outnumbering us by 6:1 in SA and probably 10000:1 on a continent basis.
Is it really unreasonable if 'we' get a little miffed when you take the above (and more) and instead of making improvements and progress 'you lot' make every effort to take the country back to digging holes in the ground for iron-ore with a few crude furnaces for production.
And what do you do with this 'new, magic metal'? Make ploughshears, make railway lines? Make engines and transport?
No. You make spearheads and pangas for your incessant tribal wars.
Does that answer your questions, sotheysay?
zuluboybob said at Aug 31 2008 2:08AM
more bananas please....(must be running out... surely...)
Sunday Times
Labels: alleged peacemaker., ANCYL, Julius Malema